Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian Intelligence withdraws from CIS Intelligence Services Cooperation Agreement

    The Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine (FISU) reported on its website that it started the procedure for withdrawing from the Agreement on the principles and basic directions of cooperation between security agencies and intelligence services, which was signed by the CIS member states in 1992.

    "The participation of Ukrainian intelligence in this agreement along with the Russian special services is absurd, given the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which has been …

  • US House of Representatives supports sanctions against Nord Stream 2 pipleline

    On Tuesday, December 11, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress approved the resolution condemning the construction of Nord Stream 2, the main gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, and supported the imposition of sanctions to counteract this project.

    Laying the pipeline would be "a dramatic step backward in the issue of European energy security and interests of the United States,” the document noted. “Russia’s geopolitical interest in Nord Stream 2 is not about increasing …

  • Putin's ID found in German intelligence archives

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s identity card has been found in the archives of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (Stasi), reports the Bild newspaper.

    According to the newspaper, Putin was the Stasi employee until the end of the GDR’s existence. The certificate was discovered in the archives “personnel and qualification” department in Dresden. It was issued on December 31, 1985, and was extended quarterly until the end of 1989. The newspaper notes that this document has Putin's …

  • Commander of one the detained Ukrainian ships refuses to admit guilt

    The TASS news agency  reported, citing Mykola Polozov, the lawyer for the commander of one of the Ukrainian ships detained in the Kerch Strait, Denys Hrytsenko, that his defendant refused to testify in the Russian court and does not admit guilt.

    “There were investigations, my client refused to testify and did not admit guilt. Now the investigation in considering my request for permission for my client to see his relatives,” said the lawyer.

    According to Interfax news agency, Hrytsenko wrote …

  • Frenchman brandishing DPR flag in Paris has Russian citizenship

    Xavier Moro, the man who waved a DPR flag during Yellow Jacket protests in Paris, has double citizenship – French and Russian. He admitted to this in a broadcast of the propaganda program 60 Minutes on the TV channel Russia 1.

    In saying so, he was trying to refute the claims that the riots in France had been supposedly organized by Russia.

    “The Yellow Jackets movement in France is anti-maidan, it is completely spontaneous, autonomous. Neither Trump, nor the State Department, nor Lavrov came …

  • Ukrainian sailors held in Moscow prison visited by Ukrainian diplomatic staff

    On December 11, employees of Albert Chernyakov, the Ukrainian consul in Moscow, visited six Ukrainian soldiers who were captured by Russia off the coast of Crimea and are now being held in the Lefortovo pretrial detention center in Moscow: Oleh Melnychuk, Mykhailo Vlasyuk, Viktor Bezpalchenko, Volodymyr Tereshchenko, Yevhen Semydotsky and Volodymyr Lisovy.

    According to the consul, the Ukrainians’ condition is satisfactory, and their attitude is optimistic, hoping for a prompt return home. They …

  • Kremlin expresses regret over the termination of the Friendship Treaty with ‘brotherly Ukraine’

    Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin regretted that Kyiv had not renewed the Friendship Treaty with the Russian Federation because Russians and Ukrainians "have ties of kinship and fraternal relations," TASS reports.

    The decree “On the termination of the Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership Treaty between Ukraine and the Russian Federation,” signed by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on December 10th was described by Peskov as “a manifestation of disrespect for …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Germany’s initiative on Azov is a sanction against Russia

    The idea to establish international monitoring of navigation in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov, which was proposed by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, can be interpreted as a type of sanction against Russia, stated Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin after the working meeting with the Foreign Ministers of the EU countries in Brussels, UNIAN reports.

    "Germany wants to introduce the mechanism of international monitoring. I believe that it is itself a sort of sanction against …

  • Putin to appoint a new chief of military intelligence

    Russian President Vladimir Putin will appoint a new Chief of Military Intelligence instead of the recently deceased Igor Korobov.

    According to several Russian media outlets, the successor will become Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov, who after the death of Korobov, served as the head of the main intelligence directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    As reported by the newspaper Kommersant, Kostyukov was born on February 21, 1961, in the Amur region of Russia. He received a naval …

  • Russian oligarchs forced to leave offshore havens

    With three months of sanctions, the Donald Trump Administration has managed to do something which the Russian government has been unable to do for the last 27 years: stop Russian money from flowing into offshore accounts. reports.

    Since the tightening of sanctions in April, which was accompanied by a mass audit of Russians’ accounts in Cyprus, the freezing of Oleg Deripaska’s and Viktor Vekselberg’s assets, and the elimination of the Baltic “laundromat” for laundering Russian money, …