Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia caught interfering in Moldovan elections

    Chisinau has declassified a report investigating interference by the Open Dialogue Foundation and its Russian founder, Lyudmila Kozlovskaya, in Moldova’s internal affairs by financing Moldovan political parties, reported the Moldovan state news agency, citing the press service of the Moldovan parliament.

    “The commission has reached the conclusion that Open Dialogue’s actions were of a subversive nature and constituted a threat to the state security of the Republic of Moldova,” the report …

  • Ukraine calls on Europe to introduce sanctions against Russia because of Kerch Strait attack

    Ukraine and the European Union must consolidate the international pressure against the aggressor-country and strengthen the policy of sanctions. The Ukrainian government portal reports that this was discussed during the meeting of the Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

    “We appreciate the readiness of our partners in the EU to support Ukraine in the conditions of the new aggression by Russia in the Azov …

  • Media: Lukashenko held a secret meeting to discuss 'Russian pressure' on the independence of Belarus

    President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held a secret meeting with high-ranking officials. The participants of the meeting discussed what measures should be taken “under the conditions of pressure from the Russian side”, reported the Nasha Niva newspaper.

    “There was a big meeting with the president. The participants decided to stand for independence till the end. Everybody supported this decision,” the source of the newspaper said.

    According to the interlocutor of the newspaper, some …

  • Poroshenko calls on Ukrainian Security Service to investigate government officials with Russian relatives

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has asked Vasyl Hrytsak, head of the Ukrainian Security Service  (SBU), to have the counterintelligence department investigate civil servants to find out whether they have relatives with Russian citizenship.

    The Ukrainian President announced this at a press conference on Sunday in Kyiv, when asked if the SBU had determined whether Serhiy Semochko, first deputy head of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service, has Russian citizenship.

    “We have a large …

  • Poroshenko: Martial law in Ukraine will be extended only in case of Russian attack

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated at a press conference in Kyiv that Ukrainian authorities won’t extend martial law unless Russia conducts "large-scale aggression."

    “If there is no large-scale aggression or the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine beyond the demarcation line and the administrative border of the Crimea, the Martial law will not be extended,” TV Channel 112 Ukraine cited the President as saying.

    Poroshenko also added …

  • One more Russian billionaire asks Putin for bailout

    Not long after Vladimir Potanin asked for budget assistance to help fund Nornickel’s ecological projects, another Russian billionaire has approached Russian President Vladimir Putin to solicit a government bailout, reports.

    Leonid Mikhelson, co-owner of Novatek and the third richest person in Russia with an estimated $18 billion according to Forbes, claims to be in need of 900 million rubles to speed up the construction and activation of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) transshipment …

  • Ukrainian President: Putin refuses to talk about Kerch Strait incident because he has nothing to say

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is disingenuous when saying that the reason he is refusing a telephone conversation because of the election process in Ukraine. In Poroshenko’s opinion, the head of the Kremlin simply has nothing to say.

    At a press conference on Sunday, the President of Ukraine said: “When, during the act of aggression, I called him to talk, he refused to have a conversation not because, as he explains, the election process in …

  • Russia joins in sanctions against Iran

    Rosneft has decided not to participate in the oil extraction projects in Iran that were announced last year, anticipating $30 billion in investments and the production of 55 million tons of oil per year.

    The strategic projects concerning a range of oil and gas deposits that were put on the road map and signed at the end of last year have now been put on the shelf due to US sanctions, Vedomosti reports, citing senior managers in the Russian state company.

    According to one of the managers, …

  • The USA calls on Germany to abandon Nord Stream 2 pipleline

    The United States welcomed recent steps by the European Union to hold Russia responsible for aggression against Ukraine, US Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino stated on the US State Department website on Sunday, December 16. Washington supports the resolution of the European Parliament calling for the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 project.

    “The European Parliament’s December 12 resolution reiterates the importance of Ukraine’s role in the European energy supply network and condemns the …

  • Former Russian Deputy Prime Minister owns eight-million-dollar villa in Dubai

    The family of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, now head of state-owned bank Vnesheconombank, Igor Shuvalov owns a villa in Dubai worth approximately $8 million, OCCRP reported with reference to emirate’s private real estate registry.

    An exclusive building with a private beach and swimming pool is located on the shores of Palm Jumeirah, an artificial island in the Persian Gulf. Nearby are villas owned by Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, the youngest son of the former Emir of Dubai, Ilham …