Contents tagged with Syria

  • Russian MFA: British accusations against Russia's actions in Syria are 'disinformation'

    The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, said in a radio interview with Govorit Moskva that the statements made by the UK about the destructive role of Russia in the Syrian conflict were “dangerous injections of disinformation”. The Secretary of the State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Philip Hammond Hammond, recently expressed the view that the actions of the Russian Air Force have worsened the internal conflict in Syria, …

  • Representative of Syrian Opposition: Russia is attempting to Occupy Syria

    A spokesman for the High Negotiating Committee, Salim al-Muslat, told an Anadolu Agency reporter that Russia, as a member of the UN Security Council, should make efforts to cease the bloody conflict in Syria, not try to occupy the country. Salim al-Muslat was in Geneva participating in the Syrian peace negotiations. Salim expressed his hope that the United Nations will put pressure on Moscow in order to end airstrikes in Syria.

    Al-Muslat also noted that the final decision on the participation …

  • Turkish PM: Russia Continues to make Mistakes in Syria

    The Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said “In Syria the regime that allowed their people to be victims of genocide are just as responsible as terrorist organizations like Daesh. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are going to continue to support Syria’s moderate opposition. At the same time we will pursue our efforts to restore stability in Yemen, Lebanon and Libya.”

    The Prime Minister, who was in Saudi Arabia on a visit, held a press conference at the Royal Palace. Ahmet Davutohlu discussed his …

  • Document Published Outlining Russia's Agreement with Syria

    The Russian Federation has published the agreement that allows for Russia to have an airbase in Syria

    "The treaty.... that establishes an RF Air Force base on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic from August 26, 2015 has been published on the official legal internet portal of the Russian Federation.” The agreement was set for an indefinite term.

    "Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving prior written notice to the other party. In such case the implementation of …

  • Erdogan: Russia Is Attempting To Create New State in Syria

    Reuters reported that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that Russia intends to create a new state in Syria. According to the news agency, Erdogan said that the Russian air force continues to carry out attacks on Syrian Turkish rebels in the northern part of the country. He also harshly criticized Iran for using the situation in Syria, Iraq and Yemen in order to extend its influence in the region.

    Relations between Russia and Turkey deteriorated after a Turkish F-16 fighter shot …

  • Russian airstrikes in Syria add to influx of refugees to Europe

    Human rights activists claim that civilian victims of the Russian bombing campaign in Syria number in the hundreds in densely populated areas. This Saturday, a senior U.S. official reported that only one-third of Russian aviation air strikes are being aimed at the positions of the so-called Islamic State. The indiscriminate bombing forces civilians to flee, further exacerbating the crisis in Europe caused by the massive influx of refugees.

    Among the 5,000 air strikes inflicted by the Russian …

  • Patriarch Kirill: Russia's Actions in Syria are in Defense of the Homeland

    The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill has expressed his support of the Kremlin’s actions in Syria. The Patriarch said that Syria is a neighbour of Russia and stated that Russian military action in Syria is in defense of the Fatherland. In his interview with TV channel, Russia-1, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church stressed that if the terrorists in Syria are victorious, it would result in misfortune and evil for Russia. Kirill explained that the war in Syria is defensive and …

  • US accuses Russia of bombing civilian targets in Syria

    According to the US authorities, hundreds of civilians were killed as a result of Russian air attacks on civilian targets in Syria.

    Washington has accused Moscow of targeting civilians in Syria, killing hundreds including members of rescue services, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Tuesday, December 29th in Washington.

    According to Toner, Russian war planes attacked hospitals, schools and markets. In October and the first half of November, more than 130,000 Syrians were forced …

  • Kudrin: Russia has not reached peak of economic crisis

    Former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Alexei Kudrin, was engaged in talks last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other top officials about returning to a senior post to help deal with the worsening economic situation.

    According to Kudrin, if oil prices continue to fall, there will be a further decline in the Russian economy.

    Kudrin holds that the Russian economic crisis has not yet reached its pinnacle, and argues that “today we see a further deterioration of the …

  • Ankara looking to improve relations with Moscow

    The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs said in Antalya that his country is making efforts to resolve the conflict with Russia.  At the same time, President Erdogan has criticized Moscow's policy in Syria.

    Turkey has made considerable efforts to restore relations with Russia, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, on Sunday, December 27th during his visit to the Russian Cultural Society in Antalya.  "We are making great efforts to work through this stage.  The time …