Contents tagged with Syria

  • Syrian opposition seeks surface-to-air missiles to defend against Russian airstrikes

    Representatives of the Syrian opposition who rely on the support of Saudi Arabia have called on western allies to supply surface-to-air missiles to defend against Russian military aircraft, Reuters reported. As stated by the Press Secretary of High Negotiations Committee (HNC) of the Syrian opposition, Salem al-Muslat, air defense systems "would solve the Syrian problem" and would protect the civilian population "from any kind of air strikes, including Russian." He also stressed that such …

  • Merkel 'shocked' by Russian air strikes in Syria

    German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has reminded all that the UN Security Council resolution on Syria calls for an end to indiscriminate attacks and in particular, attacks from the air.

    Merkel also condemned the Russian bombings in Syria which have forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee.

    She went on to say that she was “terrified” by the results of the air strikes and suggested that they violated the UN Security Council resolution that was signed by Moscow in December.

    Speaking in …

  • Russian airstrikes kill 10 in Aleppo

    Bombers of the Russian Air Force have carried out airstrikes on opposition-controlled residential quarters in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

    Ten civilians were killed, the majority of whom were children.  An additional 20 people were wounded.  This was reported to the Anadolu Agency by the representative of the General Directorate of Civil Defence, Ibrahim Leys.

    According to him, the areas of Salihin, Kellese and Huluk came under attack.  The wounded were taken to field hospitals.  Civil Defense …

  • Russian Foreign Ministry: UN Secretary General is biased against Russia in its role in Syria

    The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, has accused the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, of being biased and of having a lack of objectivity with regard to his assessment of Moscow’s role in the resolution of the Syrian conflict.  Zakharova’s comments were published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    According to Zakharova, “a campaign has been launched through a number of foreign media platforms discussing the role of Russia in the Syrian …

  • Syrian Opposition: Russia is not interested in a political solution to the conflict in Syria

    In the wake of the UN Special Envoy for Syria’s announcement  that Syrian peace talks in Geneva would be delayed until February 25th, Syrian opposition leader Bassma Kodmani blamed Russian aggression for the postponement. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Kodmani told correspondent Naomi Conrad that it is clear that Russia is not interested in a political solution to the conflict that has ravaged Syria for nearly 5 years.

    “Were the Russians preparing all along to discredit the US in this …

  • Erdoğan: Moscow and Damascus are responsible for the deaths of 400,000 Syrians

    According to the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Russia and the Syrian leadership are responsible for the deaths of 400 000 people in Syria.

    Erdoğan stated that the responsibility for these deaths lies with Moscow and Damascus.  “Russia should be held responsible for the people it killed inside the Syrian border.  Due to Moscow’s cooperation with the regime in Damascus, the death toll has reached 400 000 people,” Erdoğan said this at a conference held in Senegal on the 5th of …

  • French MFA: Russia's support for Assad regime is 'torpedoing' peace talks

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Loran Fabius, has stated that Russian and Iranian support for Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is detrimental to the Syrian peace process.

    “This is completely torpedoing peace talks in Geneva,” Fabius stated.  He said this upon his arrival to an informal meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the EU.

    “It requires a political decision.  Political discussions cannot be conducted when one of the parties destroys another.  Both parties have to return …

  • Russian Defense Ministry Discloses Details of Serviceman's Death in Syria

    A Russian military adviser, who was killed in Syria, died from severe injuries as a result of the attack on the Syrian army training center in the province of Homs, as reported by the head of the press service and information for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

    Four Syrian cadets were also killed alongside the Russian adviser during the mortar attack by militants of the so-called Islamic State. The Russian officer was seriously injured and …

  • Russian military adviser dies in Syria

    A Russian Military Adviser died in Syria on the 1st of February.  The Military reported this to Interfax yesterday.

    According to the Defense Ministry, the Military Adviser was in Syria to assist the Syrian army in supplying new weapons under existing contracts of interstate military-technical cooperation.

    On the 1st of February, the officer received a mortal wound as a result of a mortar attack by terrorists of the so-called Islamic State.  This occurred at one of their military garrisons, …

  • Syrian Opposition Claims 8 High-Ranking Syrian and Russian Military Officers Killed near Turkmandagy

    Syrian opposition sources reported that 15 servicemen were killed in the Syrian region of Turkmandagy on the border with Turkey. Eight of these servicemen were Generals. According to the information provided, the meeting place of high-ranking officers of Assad’s regime and the Russian Army came under armed attack. The meeting was held last night in order to review the state of affairs in the region and to plan future actions.

    It was reported that 15 servicemen, including four Russian and four …