Contents tagged with Syria

  • Operation in Syria could cost Russia up to $535 million

    According to the RBC media outlet, Russia could spend at least 38 billion rubles or up to $535 million on the military operation in Syria. Since the beginning of the campaign its costs could have grown by almost half.Costs per dayDuring Russia's 167-day military campaign in Syria the daily cost of operations could have grown by almost 50%, RBC estimates, basing its calculation on the data that was revealed by the Defense Ministry and the experts' evaluations.At the end of October 2015 the cost …

  • McCain fears that Russia will again focus on Ukraine after withdrawing troops from Syria

    US Senator John McCain is worried that Russia will turn its resources and attention to Ukraine following the Kremlin’s announcement that the main part of Russian troops will withdraw from Syria, Glavnoe reported with reference to Ukrainian TV channel “112”.

    According to McCain, Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria destroyed enough of the opposition to ensure that the al-Assad regime will stay in power.

    The US Senator and Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee also accused the White …

  • Putin announces withdrawal of ‘main part’ of Russian forces from Syria

    Vladimir Putin has ordered the withdrawal of the main part of Russian forces from Syria, as reported by TASS.

    During a meeting at the Kremlin, Putin said that the pullout would start on Tuesday, March 15th.

    "I believe that the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense, as a whole, were met. Therefore, I order to begin withdrawing the main part of our military factions of the Syrian Arab Republic starting tomorrow," Putin stated.

    The comments come amid new peace talks in Geneva aimed at …

  • Armenian President: We fully support Russia’s position on Syria

    Photo: The Kremlin

    During a visit to Moscow on Thursday, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Armenia fully supports Russia’s position on Syria, as stated on the Kremlin’s website.

    “I loudly declare that we firmly support Russia's position on the Syrian issue. And of course, we welcome the agreement which you have reached with the United States, the cessation of hostilities; this may be the key to a political solution of the issue,” Sargsyan told Putin. …

  • Russia to deploy more Su-34s to Syria

    The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that the Russian Federation is planning to deploy a new batch of Su-34 strike fighters to the Syrian airbase Hmeimim as well as flight and maintenance personnel from the 47th Aviation Regiment (Buturlinovka) of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Western Military District on the 9th of March.

    “The activities directed towards ensuring the specific grouping of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria includes …

  • Russian Defense Minister meets with Iranian President in Tehran

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday in Tehran, as reported by the Iranian television channel Press TV.

    In the meeting, Russia and Iran agreed to increase military cooperation against the background of the escalation of the Syrian crisis, in which both parties actively support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    According to Press TV, Rouhani outlined Iran’s position in regard to the Syrian crisis, and highlighted several possible solutions …

  • Amnesty International: Russia is guilty of war crimes in Syria

    Amnesty International says that Russia is guilty of some of the most “egregious” war crimes it has seen in decades.

    The human rights organization told Sky News that over the last week Russian aircraft in Syria have deliberately carried out airstrikes against civilians and rescue workers trying to evacuate the wounded, especially in the city of Aleppo.

    The Director of Amnesty International’s Program on Crisis Response, Tirana Hassan, said that airstrikes on schools, residential areas, and …

  • Saudi Arabia: Russia’s support for Syrian government will have serious consequences

    The Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have serious consequences, as reported by Deutsche Welle. “We informed the Russians that by taking the side of the Syrian President and Iraq, they will become participants of religious war. It is very, very dangerous,” the Head of the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in an interview with a correspondant from Süddeutsche Zeitung. …

  • Syrian Opposition Regains Territory from Government Forces with Counteroffensive

    According to the Anadolu Agency, the Syrian opposition went on the counter-offensive in order to regain control over villages that were lost two weeks ago. The press service cited Turkmen oppositional sources that indicated that the Syrian opposition has regained control over some settlements near Turkmandagy in northern Syria.

    In particular, the Syrian opposition moved towards the villages of Kurudzh, Sarraf, Kuldzhuk and Karaman in the province of Lazkiye. According to the press service, 14 …

  • Medvedev Warns of a 'Permanent War'

    The Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, warned against any ground operations in Syria because, according to him, it could lead to the beginning of a new global war. The head of the Russian Government made this statement in his interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt on the eve of the Munich Security Conference.

    “As a rule, all ground operations lead to permanent warfare. Look what is going on in Afghanistan and a number of other countries. I didn’t even mention poor Libya,” …