Contents tagged with Syria

  • The Guardian: Five-year-old visiting relatives in Syria killed by a Russian bomb

    Five-year-old Raghat loved singing, nail polish, teasing her toddler sister, the alphabet she was starting to learn at nursery, and goofing for the camera. In the last photos of her, taken barely 10 minutes before the Russian bombs landed, she shows off a new bracelet and freshly painted nails with glee, then squeezes a kiss from her squirming baby sister.

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  • Russia prepares new bases in Syria

    Russia prepares two new air bases in Syria

    Russia increased the number of air bases in Syria: one accommodates fighters in the province of Homs, another - used for helicopter departures in Al-Tayas, reported by Reuters, referring to the statement made from the Observatory on Human Rights in Syria, based in London.

    As reported, the second base is controlled by ISIL (banned in Russia) in Palmyra. The base is used for terrorist attacks in this area.

    Activists also reported that Russia is …

  • US Department of State: Russian Su-24 aircraft violated Turkish airspace

    A Russian Air Force aircraft violated the airspace of Turkey last Tuesday and did not respond to numerous warnings, stated Elizabeth Trudeau, Press Office Director for the U.S. Department of State, during a briefing in Washington.

    “Information including evidence from the Turkish side and our own sources indicates that the Russian aircraft violated the air space of Turkey. We also know that the Turks issued repeated warnings to the Russian pilots, but received no response,” said Trudeau. …

  • Russia bombs busy marketplace in Syria

    Over fourty civilians killed in a Russian bombing raid on a busy maketplace in the Syrian town of Ariha in the north-west Idlib province.The strikes came on a busy Sunday afternoon and were reported by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.The Observatory believes cluster bombs were used in the raid launched in support of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad. In addition to the market, several other areas of the town were hit.

    The town of Ariha is not a stronghold of ISIS and has been …

  • Bild: Paris terrorists bought weapons in Germany

    Terrorists, who launched a series of attacks in Paris on November 13, bought 4 Kalashnikov assault rifles from a certain Sasha V. Sasha V, who is from a German city of Magstadt, came to the attention of investigators even earlier,writes Bild. The Baden-Württemberg Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the detention of a 34-year old man on suspicion of the arms trade. In response to the Reuters’ request, a representative of the office reported that he is in the remand prison. According to him, this …

  • Syrian opposition rebels strike Hmeymim Russian airbase in Syria

    The Turkish newspaper, Hurriyet, reported that on November 26, oppositionists from Ahrar ash-Sham carried out an artillery strike on Russian airbase Hmeymim in Syrian Latakia. Artillery shelling at the airbase of Russian aviation resulted in deaths and injuries. The sources claim that none of the Russian planes went up into the sky after artillery strike.

    The Israeli branch of International Volunteer Group, Inform Napalm, confirmed that there is a large number of wounded individuals, and …

  • Russia bombs Turkish humanitarian aid convoy

    As reported by Turkish state-run Anadolu News Agency, Russian warplanes bombed a Turkish truck convoy at the Syrian border on Wednesday.The trucks belonged to IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an Istanbul-based humanitarian organization with connections to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

    Seven people were killed and ten others injured in the air strike on the convoy of 20 trucks delivering supplies to refugees.

    Meanwhile, a US official said he was "aware of reports that a convoy of …

  • Turkish embassy trashed in Moscow

    The embassy of Turkey in Russia was trashed on Wednesday as protesters hurled stones, eggs and paint in anger over downed Russian jet.Few picketers gathering outside the embassy building in Moscow carried signs that read: "Turkey, you stabbed us in the back" and "Hands off Syria". This happened a day after one of Turkey's F-16 jets shot down a Russian Su-24 warplane that breached Turkish airspace.A Russian pilot and a rescuer were killed. A second Russian pilot was rescued and safely returned …

  • US special forces to be deployed to Syria very soon

    The President's Special Envoy spoke about the future plans against ISIS. 

    Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL said that "very soon" it will send dozens of soldiers of American Special Forces to Syria who will cooperate with the Arab forces attempting to isolate the self-proclaimed capital of the Caliphate and put an end to the terrorist groups` conspiracies.  As stated by Brett H. McGurk on Sunday, speaking on CBS, in recent weeks the coalition has managed to …

  • Putin warns Turkey of significant consequences

    Russian President Vladimir Putin called the loss of the jet over Turkish and Syrian border “a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists”.

    Speaking in Jordan today, the Russian leader said: "This event is beyond the normal framework of fighting against terrorism. Of course our military is doing heroic work against terrorism... But the loss today is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists. I can’t describe it in any other way. Our aircraft was downed …