Contents tagged with Israel

  • Ukrainian city of Mariupol to purchase Iron Dome air defense system from Israel

    Deputy Mayor of Mariupol Sergey Zakharov said that the city authorities plan to purchase the Iron Dome missile defense system from Israel.

    According to him, the opening of the airport in Mariupol requires that the distance from the zone of demarcation of the warring parties was more than 160 kilometers, but it is only about 40. Since the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the international community do not consider the flights to the city located near the conflict zone safe, the mayor's office of …

  • Russia sees itself as a mediator in the Middle East conflict

    Russia sees itself among the mediators in resolving the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A number of countries, including Russia, are making efforts and using their contacts to encourage the parties to the conflict to act with restraint, said Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, without giving any details. According to him, the sides should recognize that there is no alternative to a diplomatic solution.

    Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the conflict in …

  • Kremlin dissociates itself from Kadyrov's words about ‘disorder’ in Jerusalem

    The statement of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov that the Israeli authorities should apologize to the Arab population for the situation in East Jerusalem does not reflect the official position of Russia, said the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov.

    "You know that the foreign policy position of the Russian Federation is formulated by the President," Peskov said.

    According to him, Kadyrov's statement cannot be considered an official position of Moscow.

    "We …

  • Russian Foreign Minister meets with Hezbollah delegation in Moscow

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with a delegation of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah in Moscow on March 15, RIA Novosti reports, citing the Russian Foreign Ministry. "We confirm the fact of the meeting," the Foreign Ministry said, refusing to disclose details of the talks.

    According to RIA Novosti, the Lebanese delegation was headed by the leader of the Hezbollah parliamentary faction, Muhammad Raad. His last visit to Moscow was in 2011.

    Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist …

  • Russia demands Israel stop strikes on Syria

    Israel could provoke a new round of tensions in the Middle East, said the Special Representative of the Russian President for Syria, Alexander Lavrentyev, commenting on Israel’s strikes on targets in Syria.

    "These strikes must stop, they are counterproductive. We hope that the Israeli side will understand our concerns, including concerns about the possibility of escalation of violence in Syria," Lavrentyev said, as quoted by the Russian news agency Interfax.

    "Sooner or later, the cup of …

  • Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in Syria

    At around 11 p.m., on February 3, Israel struck Hezbollah positions in Syria, reported the Syrian government’s news agency SANA.

    Sana reported, citing army sources, that "the Israeli enemy carried out aerial aggression from the occupied Syrian Golan by firing several air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missiles. At the same time, according to the Syrian authorities, "the Syrian Arab Army air defenses responded to Israel's missile strike on some targets in the southern region and shot down …

  • Islamic Jihad Leader discusses 'Palestinian-Israeli conflict' with Kremlin

    The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that Russia's former ambassador to Israel and now Deputy Foreign Minister and Vladimir Putin's special representative for the Middle East Mikhail Bogdanov held an official meeting with Ziyad al-Nakhalah, Secretary-General of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, based in Gaza.

    "M.L. Bogdanov received the Secretary General of the Palestinian movement Islamic Jihad Ziyad al-Nakhalah," reads the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    "The Russian side reaffirmed …

  • Syria accuses Israel of another air strike on its territory

    The Syrian state news agency Sana reports that in the early hours of Friday, January 22, the country's air defense forces repelled an attack by the Israeli Air Force on targets in Hama governorate.

    The agency reports that Israeli aircraft launched a missile attack on Syrian territory while in Lebanese airspace. According to the agency, most of the missiles were destroyed by Syrian air defense forces, but "some reached the target."

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reports that …

  • Israel strikes Iranian arms depots in Syria

    On the night of January 7, Syrian air defense systems were activated in response to air attack by Israeli Airforce. Media reports of five explosions. According to unconfirmed reports, Israel attacked targets near the Golan Heights and in the suburbs of the Syrian capital.

    One of the explosions occurred near the Syrian Arab Army radar station in al-Dur, in the western province of As-Suwayda.

    The attack targeted the mountainous area near the town of Al-Kiswah south of Damascus.

    The area is …

  • Israel to modernize Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jets

    Israel will assist Ukraine in modernizing MiG-29 fighter jets, said Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Ukraine Oleksandr Myroniuk, reports the news website Military Review. According to Myroniuk, the modernization is scheduled for 2021. It is expected that after modernization the Ukrainian Air Force will be able to use these aircraft until 2035.

    According to Myroniuk, after modernization, the aircraft "will have additional capabilities to defeat ground targets." Accorfing to him, the fighters …