Contents tagged with Israel

  • Ukrainian military delegation arrives in Israel to discuss creating missile warning system in Ukraine

    The journalist of the Israeli TV channel Keshet, Moriah Asraf Wolberg, reported that a delegation of Ukrainian military arrived in Israel on November 28 for talks on assisting Ukraine to create a missile warning system. The Israeli government asked the media not to advertise this visit.

    The Ukrainian delegation is reportedly headed by a high-ranking military official. The Ukrainians held several meetings with representatives of the Israeli Defense Ministry.

    According to Wolberg, the Ukrainian …

  • Kyiv: some countries secretly provide weapons to Ukraine

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that "some countries" provide military assistance to Ukraine and at the same time publicly deny involvement in such deliveries.

    In an interview with the French newspaper Le Parisien, Kuleba said that some countries provide military aid to Ukraine, although they do not talk about it and even deny their involvement. In these cases, Ukraine receives arms via third countries and not directly. According to Kuleba, these countries not only transfer their …

  • Ukraine starts using Israeli systems to counter Iranian kamikaze drones used by Russia

    While the debate continues in Israel about whether to provide military assistance to the Ukrainians Forces fighting the Russian army, and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz unequivocally states that there will be no shipments of Israeli weapons to Kyiv, an Israeli anti-drone system has appeared in the arsenal the weapons used by Ukraine, reported the Israeli news website Dossier Debka, citing Ukrainian military sources.

    According to the publication, the Ukrainian army has completed the …

  • Russia orders Iranian drones which were designed for attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa

    Russia has ordered a new type of unmanned aerial vehicle from Iran, which has not yet been used in Russian attacks on Ukraine yet, said the expert of the Russian Center for Military-Political Journalism, Boris Rozhin, referring to unnamed sources in the Islamic Republic. These are Arash-2 drones. Earlier, the commander of the Iranian ground forces, Brigadier Kioumars Heydari, said that these drones were designed specifically to attack Tel Aviv and Haifa. The range of the drone's flight is 2000 …

  • Biden tries to persuade Israeli Prime Minister to supply weapons to Ukraine

    During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden asked Prime Minister Yair Lapid to expand military assistance to Ukraine and provide lethal weapons, reported the Israeli news website Walla.

    According to journalists, the United States and Israel cannot reach an agreement on the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Earlier, Washington repeatedly appealed to Jerusalem, but the request was denied.

    Ukraine has asked Israel several times since the beginning of the Russian invasion to sell Israeli …

  • Russia accuses Israel of ‘supporting Nazism in Ukraine’

    The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Israel of supporting the "neo-Nazi regime" in Ukraine.

    "We drew attention to the ahistorical statements of Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, largely explaining the course of the current Israeli government to support the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv," said the Russian Foreign Ministry on Twitter.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry published a link to its article with selective examples of Jewish cooperation with the Nazis during the Second World War. The article …

  • Israel bombs Syrian military targets near Russian Khmeimim airbase

    On the night of Tuesday, December 28, Israel carried out airstrikes in the area of the seaport in the city of Latakia, located in northwestern Syria. According to the Syrian news agency SANA, container warehouses were bombed. SANA did not report what was in the containers.

    According to SANA, air defense systems were activated during the attack.

    This is the second report in a short time about a possible strike on the port in Latakia. Earlier, Damascus accused the Israel Defense Force of …

  • Russia: Syria did not respond to Israeli airstrikes due to civilian planes in area

    The Syrian military refused to use air defense systems during Israeli airstrikes because of two civilian aircraft flying in the area, said the deputy head of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit.

    The incident occurred on the evening of October 13, Kulit said, from 23:35 to 23.39 four tactical fighters F-16 of the Israeli Air Force "entered Syrian airspace in the area of the US-occupied territory of al-Tanf, located in the province …

  • Israel pledges support to Azerbaijan in conflict with Iran

    Amid the escalating crisis between Iran and Azerbaijan, Baku received a delegation of security forces from Israel. According to the Saudi newspaper Elaph, the Israeli representatives assured the Azerbaijani authorities of support and readiness to provide real assistance in case of aggression from Iran.

    Sources of the publication claim that two F-35 fighters of the Israeli Air Force have been permanently deployed to Azerbaijan. At the same time, Israel is ready to send additional forces to the …

  • Russia praises Syrian Army success in countering Israel’s air strikes

    Russian news agency RIA Novosti reports, citing the deputy head of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, that Syrian air defense systems shot down two missiles launched from Israeli F-16 fighters during the last attack.

    According to Kulit, the Israeli Air Force targeted an unnamed facility located in the town of Set Zaynab, 10km south of Damascus.

    Kulit said the incident occurred on Sunday night. The Russian Rear Admiral said that …