Contents tagged with Iran

  • Iran and Russia begin construction of new reactor at Bushehr nuclear plant

    Near the city of Bushehr in southern Iran, on Saturday, 10 September, the work on the construction of a second reactor at the country’s only nuclear power plant began. The construction of two additional reactors being built with Russia’s assistance which have a capacity of about a thousand megawatts each and are worth more than 8.5 billion U.S. dollars, should be completed within the next ten years. The start of construction for a third reactor is planned for 2018.

    The first Vice President of …

  • Russia and Iran to build new nuclear reactors on Iranian territory

    On the 10th of September 2016, Iran and Russia will begin the construction of two new nuclear reactors at the existing Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, as stated by the Iranian Vice President, the head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, on Thursday, September 1, 2016. The construction will continue for ten years. The cost of the project with the participation of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation will be about $10 billion. These power units will help Iran save 22 …

  • Iran's S-300 missile systems from Russia have been placed near Fordow nuclear facility

    The S-300 surface-to-air missile systems bought by Iran from Russia have been placed in near the nuclear facility in Fordow.

    The surface-to-air missile systems, stationed near the plant, were shown on a TV program. In the comments, the current commander of the Iranian Air Defense Base, Farzad Esmaili, said that the nuclear facility will always be protected now.

    The night before, the current Supreme Leader of Iran, Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei, said that the United States tried to prevent Iran …

  • Ukraine and Iran continue negotiations on oil supply

    Kiev and Tehran are discussing the possibility of Iran supplying oil to Ukrainian and European refineries, as reported by Trend, citing a source in the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine.

    The transport route of the oil supplies and the economic details of the project have not been specified yet.

    Earlier, Ukrtransnafta announced that the transit of the Iranian oil to markets in Central and Eastern Europe are under consideration as well as the supply of raw materials for processing …

  • Secretary of Iran's Security Council: Iran and Russia together thwarted US plans in Syria

    In Syria, Iran and Russia did not allow the United States to withdraw armed opposition troops backed by Washington who were under strike. This was stated by the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, TASS reports.

    “The United States and its regional allies tried to withdraw terrorists under attack who, under the false name of the so-called moderate opposition, committed numerous crimes against the Syrian people. Plans to save these ‘moderate terrorists’ have …

  • Russian MoD: Russian aircraft have completed their mission at Iranian airbase

    The aircraft that bombed terrorist targets in Syria from the Hamadan airbase in Iran have fulfilled their mission and returned to the Russian Federation. Iran is ready to provide further military infrastructure to Russia, Interfax wrote.

    The spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, stated on August 22 that the Russian bombers and fighter jets that bombed terrorist targets in Syria and used the Iranian airfield as a base have achieved their objectives …

  • Russia to stop using Iranian airbase

    The Iranian Foreign Ministry has announced that Russia has stopped using the Hamedan airbase for the time being, Reuters reported.

    Last week, Russian Tu-22M3 and Su-34 bombers took off from the Iranian airbase to carry out airstrikes in Syria, drawing condemnation from Washington and some lawmakers in Tehran. Critics claim the arrangement violates Iran’s constitution which forbids "the establishment of any kind of foreign military base in Iran, even for peaceful purposes".

    Hossein Dehghan, …

  • Iranian Defense Minister: Iran will not purchase S-400 air defense systems from Russia

    The Minister of Defense of Iran, Hossein Dehghan, stated that Iran isn’t going to buy Russian S-400 air defense systems, although Moscow offered such weapons to Tehran, Tasnim reported. According to Dehghan, Russia offered S-400s and other air defense systems to Iran but Tehran declined.

    The Minister reported that Iran has voluntarily withdrawn a lawsuit against Russia over undelivered S-300 systems.

    “However, Iran retains the right to legally reopen the case if the S-300 air defense systems …

  • Iran will allow Russia to use Hamedan airbase indefinitely

    Iran will all allow Russia to use the Hamedan airbase as long as Moscow sees fit, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said on Saturday, August 20, Tasnim news agency reported. He added that Tehran does not plan to provide Russia access to other military bases. Dehghan also said that Iran has received the bulk of the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, and the deliveries are expected to be completed within a month. The Minister noted that Moscow has offered to sell Iran S-400 and " …

  • Speaker of Iranian Parliament claims Tehran has not provided Russia with a military base

    The speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Ali Larijani, denied the claim that Iran provided a military base to Russia in the Islamic Republic. “Not a single Iranian military base was provided to Russian servicemen,” Larijani stated. The speaker of the Iranian Parliament also noted that Tehran cooperates with Moscow on regional issues, including the conflict in Syria.

    Earlier, it was reported that Tupolev Tu-22M strategic bombers from the Russian Air Force arrived at the Hamadan base in Iran to …