Contents tagged with Avdiivka

  • Ukraine's Minister of Defense: There are 37,000 Ukrainian soldiers at the front line in the Donbas

    Presently, there are thirty-seven thousand Ukrainian soldiers at the front line in the Donbas, according to Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, the website of the Ministry reports.

    Poltorak claims that the rest of the staff are on combat duty, in training centers, at the training sites and in the classrooms where the soldiers are learning from experience gained and making conclusions."

    "We are able to defend Ukraine and fulfill all the tasks facing the Armed Forces. The evidence of this is the 7 …

  • Ukraine accused Russia of political pressure and blackmail at the UN Security Council meeting

    Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Volodymyr Yelchenko said at a meeting of the Security Council that Russia has gone out of its way to provoke and pressure Ukraine. According to him, Russia's actions bode ill for Europe.

    "Instead of conscientiously implementing Minsk agreements, Russia exerts political pressure, uses blackmail and conducts military provocations. Ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and its negative consequences are among the main threats to …

  • Nikki Haley: The US will not agree to closer relations with Russia at the expense of Ukraine

    The present U.S. administration is still deliberating the possibility of strengthening cooperation with Russia, however it considers it unacceptable to do so at the expense of satisfying Russia’s geopolitical interests and aggression against other countries, especially Ukraine, as stated on Tuesday at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Conflicts in Europe by Nikki Haley, the U.S. permanent representative to the organization.

    "The United States thinks it's possible to have a better …

  • Muzhenko: Ukrainian military is allowed to respond fully to the enemy's provocations

    The situation in the Donbas has deteriorated and the Ukrainian military have been given permission to respond fully to the enemy's provocations, as stated by the Chief of the General Staff, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Viktor Muzhenko, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Since the day before yesterday, we have been seeing an increase in the number of mortar attacks, attacks from guns, and the use of tanks. In particular, the latter were used by the enemy yesterday against the …

  • OSCE: Number of ceasefire violations in the Donbas remains unacceptably high

    The Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Alexander Hug, stated that the number of ceasefire violations in the Donbas has decreased but still remains high.

    “The number of violations has significantly decreased in recent days but it still remains unacceptably high. From midnight on February 9 to midnight February 10, the OSCE mission recorded 460 violations of the ceasefire, with 55 violations in Luhansk region alone,” Hug said at a press conference …

  • Lithuania to send 80,000 euro in humanitarian assistance to Avdiivka

    Lithuania will provide 80,000 euro in humanitarian assistance for the town of Avdiivka which was affected by recent military actions, as stated by the Foreign Minister of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius, who visited Avdiivka, Delfi news agency reports.

    "Today we have allocated 40,000 euro from the Ministry for medication through the Red Cross. The Prime Minister also promised that we will allocate another 40,000 euro for Avdiivka’s needs. Most likely it will be construction materials and …

  • US representative to the OSCE: There is evidence that Russia prepared the Avdiivka offensive a week ahead of the attack

    According to the reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission there is evidence that Russian forces were preparing a massive offensive the day before the situation escalated at Avdiivka. US representative to OSCE Kate Byrnes made a statement to this effect during the meeting of the Permanent Council in Vienna on the 9th of February.

    There is clear evidence of a military buildup of separatist forces in this region ahead of the attack.

    “A week before the start of the assault, in separatist- …

  • Estonian Foreign Minister: EU should be ready to strengthen sanctions against Russia if situation in Ukraine continues to worsen

    The Estonian Foreign Minister, Sven Mikser, called on the European Union to strengthen sanctions should the situation in Ukraine continue to deteriorate, as he stated in an interview with Interfax.

    "The situation in Avdiivka is very serious and should be internationally condemned. The international community must be ready to respond," Mikser stated.

    According to him, the best way to influence Russia is through the strengthening of sanctions. "We are convinced that sanctions have the ability …

  • Linkevicius: Hostilities in Avdiivka could be repeated in other places in Ukraine

    The deterioration of the situation and continuing hostilities near Avdiivka may be repeated in other hot spots in eastern Ukraine, as was stated by the Lithuanian Foreign Minister, Linas Linkevičius, before the meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels.

    "The current situation in eastern Ukraine is very complex. There is a relative improvement after the humanitarian catastrophe in Avdiivka but we see that the situation is still unpredictable due to the significant concentration of heavy …

  • Intelligence: There are hundreds of severely wounded Russian servicemen in Donetsk hospitals

    On February 5th, the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported that 380 severely wounded servicemen of the 1st Army Corps (Donetsk) of the Russian Armed Forces are in healthcare facilities in Donetsk.

    “The number of losses among military personnel and divisions of the 1st Army Corps (Donetsk) of the Russian Armed Forces has increased as a result of the unsuccessful assault actions against ATO [Ukrainian] forces. Currently, a significant number of the …