Contents tagged with Avdiivka

  • Ukrainian Forces annihilate Russian 2nd Battalion near Avdiivka: only 4 survive out of 350 soldiers

    Soldiers from the 2nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces recorded a video appeal, begging for help. They claim that their battalion was completely defeated in the battles near Avdiivka. The video was published by the Russian war channel "Airborne Troops for Honesty and Justice,".

    The Russians assert that their commanders deliberately misled them by sending them to storm positions, promising that the area had been cleared of Ukrainian forces. However, they were met …

  • Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief visits Avdiivka frontline

    Lieutenant General Oleksandr Syrskyi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), visited the military near Avdiivka . He provided an update of his field visit on the morning on his Telegram channel.

    The general highlighted that Russian forces had concentrated their main efforts near Avdiivka and had been trying to break through the Ukrainian defensive line for "several days in a row." The most intense fighting is occurring within the zones of responsibility of three Ukrainian …

  • No more shell shortages: Ukrainian Forces have received ammunition for battles near Avdiivka

    Overnight, Ukrainian forces struck Russian infantry with 'Grad' multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), as the latter attempted to advance on Ukrainian military positions in the direction of Avdiivka. The Ukrainian soldiers recently replenished their reactive munitions, a critical supply they had been short on earlier. A report detailing the fighting in Avdiivka was published by TSN on the YouTube channel "1+1."

    TSN journalist Yulia Kiriyenko spoke with Ukrainian servicemen who have been …

  • Ukrainian Air Force strikes Russian troops at Avdiivka coke plant using French AASM-250 guided munitions

    The Ukrainian Air Force has utilized French-made AASM-250 precision-guided munitions to strike Russian forces at the Avdiivka Coke Plant, reports the military news outlet Militarny, citing the operational-strategic group of the Ukrainian forces Tavriya. An intelligence drone operated by LUFTWAFFE unit was engaged for targeting purposes.

    "The drone recorded a direct hit on the enemy with the bomb. It should be noted that it's currently unknown from which type of aircraft the AASM-250 munition …

  • Ukrainian forces have stopped advancement of Russian troops near Avdiivka, claims brigade officer

    The advancement of Russian troops near Avdiivka has been stopped, according to Major Serhiy Tsekhotskiy, an officer of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakov Handziuk. During a broadcast on the FREEДІМ channel, Major Tsekhotskiy provided an update, saying, “Their active advancement has halted for today. Following the occupation of Avdiivka, they presumed they could proceed with enthusiasm... As of now, their main lines of attack are towards Berdychi, Tonenke, Pervomaiske, …

  • Ukrainian military command denies claims Russian forces captured Lastochkyne

    On the evening of February 24, analysts from DeepState reported that the Russian Armed Forces allegedly captured Lastochkyne in the Donetsk region. However, Dmutro Likhovy, a representative of the Ukrainian Joint Group of Forces Tavria, said in a comment to Ukrayinska Pravda that fighting for the town is still ongoing.

    "In the Avdiivka direction, the Ukrainian defense forces have withdrawn to the western outskirts of Lastochkyne and have taken pre-prepared defensive positions," said Dmytro …

  • Russian military blogger, who wrote about large Russian army losses in Aviivka, commits suicide amid harassment by Kremlin propagandists

    Andrey Morozov, the author of the Telegram channel "Letters from Yania," has taken his own life following harassment by official Russian propagandists, employees of Vladimir Solovyov, Yulia Vityazeva, and Armen Gasparyan. Morozov's death has been noted by Miroslava Reginskaya, the wife of the former "Defense Minister of the DPR," Igor Strelkov, who is convicted in Russia for "inciting extremism", and lawyer Maxim Pashkov.

    A suicide note was published on Morozov's channel. In it, he explained …

  • Six captured Ukrainian soldiers reportedly executed by Russian forces near Avdiivka

    Russian forces have reportedly executed six captured Ukrainian service members near "Garage No. 1" area in Avdiivka (within the fortified area "Zenit" in the south of the settlement), according to the Telegram channel DeepState (a Ukrainian project that supports a regularly updated map of territorial control in the combat zone in Ukraine and publishes summaries of the front-line situation based on open sources and information from the Ukrainian military).

    A video clip on was published on …

  • Kyiv: Russia lost nearly 50,000 troops in battle for Avdiivka

    Nearly 50,000 Russian soldiers have lost their lives in the battle for Avdiivka deemed crucial by Vladimir Putin in the run-up to the elections, reported the press center of the Ukrainian Defence Forces Tavria.

    Ukrainian military officials reported that a large part of the Russian reserves was destroyed in the conflict and, therefore, cannot be redeployed elsewhere. The Russian offensive on Avdiivka, which began on October 10, 2023, led to enormous losses over the course of four months of …

  • 3rd Separate Mechanized Brigade: withdrawal of Ukrainian Forces from Avdiivka continues

    Ukrainian troops continue to withdraw from Avdiivka, located in the Donetsk region, following orders from General Oleksandr Syrskyi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said the spokesperson for the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, Oleksandr Borodin, in an interview with, published on February 17.

    "These operations are much more complex than assaults because the enemy employs artillery heavily and also has 'carte blanche' to use expensive precision-guided aerial bombs," …