Contents tagged with Avdiivka

  • Ukrainian Armed Forces expect separatist assault on government-held Avdiivka

    The fighting around Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine has intensified in recent days, and, according to journalist Roman Bochkala, separatist groups are preparing a major assault on Ukrainian positions.

    Bochkala noted on his Facebook page that members of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic have been using heavy artillery, weapons that are prohibited by the Minsk Agreements, to prepare for an offensive on Avdiivka.

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces insist that they defend their positions using only …

  • OSCE notes a high number of ceasefire violations in the Yasynuvata-Avdiivka area

    According to a press release issued by the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, observers heard 139 undetermined explosions, 125 bursts of heavy machine gun fire, and 300 single shorts of small arms fire on Monday in the area between government-controlled Avdiivka and the town of Yasynuvata, which is controlled by members of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic.

    The SMM noted “consistent but intermittent exchange of fire between 10:14 and 15:18hrs and noted a spike between 12:15 …