• Turkey’s officials express their views on the return of Crimea

    The Ambassador of Turkey, Yönet Tezel, stated in his interview to the Ukrainian News that Ukraine should not make any derogations from legal positions in order to return Crimea. Tezel continued to say that this problem can’t be solved by military means. It’s necessary to find a solution to this conflict through dialogue.

    “Under conditions, when there are conflicts almost everywhere in the world, military solutions aren’t viable,” Tezel said. He added that Turkey has no intention to change its …

  • Return of Crimea and destabilisation of Caucasus could be Turkish response to Russia

    Ukrainian political scientist and Director of the Institute of Global Strategies, Vadim Karasev, believes that during the friction with Russia, Turkey could raise the issue of the return of the Crimea to Ukraine on the international level. Moreover, Turkey could also support subversive underground movements in the Caucasus.

    “The Russo-Turkish confrontation has mostly taken place on the information level. The conflict has hybrid nature,” Karasev stated. The expert believes that the conflict …

  • Top U.S. official to discuss terrorism financing in Europe

    As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Adam Szubin, acting U.S. undersecretary of Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence will visit Italy, Germany and the U.K next week to discuss U.S.-European counter-terrorism finance with government officials, think tanks and business, legal and compliance leaders.The discussions will include joint efforts against Islamic State and enforcement of sanctions on Russia for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine.Mr. Szubin will also outline ongoing U.S. …

  • Japan to provide Ukraine with $300 million loan

    The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, reached an agreement with the Japanese government that will provide Ukraine with a loan worth $300 million. Expreso.TV reported that the document was signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ukraine’s Finance Minister, Natalia Yaresko, and the Japanese Ambassador to Ukraine, Shigeki Sumi.

    The Japanese Ambassador stated that last year, Japan had provided $100 million worth of support for Ukraine. Therefore, the total budget …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister says OSCE in deep crisis


    The active work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is paralyzed following the Russian veto. The Ukrainian Minister for Foreign Affairs stated that it is very likely that the Final Declaration will not be accepted during the upcoming ministerial meeting in Serbia. "The OSCE is in a deep crisis and many Ministers are speaking openly about this," he said. 

    At the same time, he indicated that Ukraine continues its work with the OSCE. "We try to work actively with the …

  • Lysenko: Ukrainian armored car drove over a landmine, killing one soldier and wounding five

    The Speaker of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Andrey Lysenko, reported that militants haven’t stopped provocative shelling with the use of grenade launchers, machine guns and mortars. Lysenko stated at a briefing that in the last few days one Ukrainian soldier was killed and five were wounded in the operation zone in eastern Ukraine.

    “Yesterday, one of our combat reconnaissance vehicles drove over a landmine near the village of Gnutovo in the Donetsk region. One serviceman was …

  • Russia requests Canada to remove leaked personal data of their pilots

    Photographs and other personal information of Russian pilots taking part in the Russian operation in Syria were posted on a Canadian website. The Russian side has appealed to the country’s authorities with a request to remove this information. The Director of the Department on New Challenges and Threats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ilya Rogachev, stated that Ottawa is still considering the issue.

    The Russian diplomat reported that the photographs and other …

  • Russian Parliament will allow the country’s legislature to disregard the precedence of International Law

    The Russian Parliament, Duma, is intending to allow the Constitutional Court to ignore the decisions of both the United Nations and the European Court of Human Rights. MPs are moving the draft through quickly. On December 2nd, the Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation recommended adopting the draft on the second reading. The draft allows the Constitutional Court to ignore the decisions of international bodies, such as the European Court of Human Rights.

    On the …

  • USA Prepares Unpleasant Surprise for Putin’s Agents in Ukraine

    The US Congress adopted a bill that obliges all intelligence agencies to provide information concerning the funding of political parties and non-governmental organizations in former Soviet Republics by Russian Intelligence Agents. This bill was mentioned in the corresponding document of the US Congress, Kasparov.ru reported.

    The document states that “Not later than 180 days after the bill enters into force, the Director of Intelligence will have to provide intelligence information concerning …

  • UK Officials: Russian military forces are still in Ukraine while Moscow is able to end the conflict

    The UK Minister for Europe, David Lidington, stated in his speech at the OSCE meeting that Russia has maintained military presence in the territories of Donbas, which are out of Ukraine’s government control. Lidington reminded those in attendance that a year ago, Ukraine was the key issue at the ministerial meeting. “Already 20 months have passed, but Crimea is still under annexation. According to the OSCE reports, we have serious grounds for concern, regarding the observance of human rights. …