• Biden speaks to Ukrainian Parliament

    Kyiv, December 8, 2015

    In his passionate speach to Ukrainian parliament U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden urged Ukraine to seize the opportunity to become a truly democratic nation that removes the blight of corruption. He also directly accused Moscow of sending troops to fight with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine and trying to hide that action from the Russian public and the world. Mr. Biden assured Ukraine of the U.S. continuous support as long as it stayed on the democratic path. …

  • Ukraine will prepare a trade blockade of uncontrolled territories

    On Dec. 9 the Ukranian Cabinet of Ministers will consider the draft resolution on a trade blockade of  Crimea and uncontrolled territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions (the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic - DND and Lugansk People's Republic - LNR). The Head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Refat Chubarov, stated this during the briefing, according to a correspondent of RBC-Ukraine.

    "The Cabinet of Ministers has prepared and agreed with all parties on the draft …

  • Ukrainian President: Moscow will not stop us from free trade zone with EU

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, noted that Moscow’s disapproval  of the  free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU will be unsuccessful. He discussed this among other things in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels published December 6.

    "If someone in Kremlin wants us to ask their permission for a free trade zone with EU, it will not happen. We will not give in to any blackmail," the President said and added that the Free Trade Agreement will come into effect starting January 1 2 …

  • Syrian opposition groups to meet at conference in Saudi Arabia

    Reuters reported that different groups of the Syrian opposition will meet on December 8th in Saudi Arabia in order to agree upon a common position before the upcoming international negotiations on Syria in New York. The various Islamist and Salafist organizations received invitations from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to attend the conference, which is to be held from the 8th to the 10th of December.

    However, the report didn’t specify if the Jaysh al-Islam (Army of Islam) will take part in the …

  • Turkey and Ukraine in talks on tank modernization

    As tensions between Moscow and Ankara continue to rise, Turkey has turned to Ukraine looking for cooperation in military programs.As reported by Defense News, Turkey's Aselsan and Ukraine's Ukroboronprom have started negotiations on a deal for tank modernization programs.This comes at a time when both countries find themselves at odds with Kremlin.The Turkish government signed a contract with Aselsan at the end of November for a weapons system, known as the Akkor, which protects against anti- …

  • Russian military satellite fails to launch

    As reported by RIA Novosti, one of two military satellites, launched from the Russian Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region, failed to separate from the booster rocket. The satellite was created to scan the Earth's oceans and weather systems from space, and to spot submarines. It took a decade to develop.

    An investigation has been opened and early indications suggest there was a problem with the satellite's attachment to the upper-stage rocket, which did not open up in time.

    The …

  • Kadyrov calls on Islamic World to rise against the US

    The Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, accused the United States of attempting to destroy the world of Islam. The politician called on the leaders of Arab and Muslim countries to join together against the destructive policies of Washington. These ideas were written on Kadyrov’s well-known Instagram page.

    “The situation is rapidly changing worldwide. The will of the USA and the West to divide the world into “good guys” and “bad guys” in order to subordinate the “bad guys” to its …

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister Demands Strategy for the Return of Crimea

    The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk declared that the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine needed to prepare a strategy for the return of Crimea from Russian annexation. According to him, the government is doing its share of the work.

    “The National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine has to consider a strategic question: How will we reclaim the Crimea? We do our part of the work as government. We have made our case to the European Court of Human Rights,” Yatsenyuk …

  • Turkey slams Russia’s missile ‘provocation’ in Bosphorus

    As reported by Hurriyet Daily News of Turkey, a Russian warship passing through Bosphorus en route to the Mediterranean on Dec. 6 brought an angry reaction from Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. A russian soldier was seen in footage of the boat holding a ground-to-air missile in the shooting position. “This is provocation, this is a harassing passage,” Çavuşoğlu told reporters on Dec. 6 in his hometown Antalya.“The Russian warplanes’ violation of our airspace and the passing of the …

  • Much anticipation about Biden’s visit to Ukraine. What will the outcome be?

    On December 7, The US Vice President, Joe Biden is expected in Ukraine. It’s the second time in the history of Ukraine since an American politician of such rank will address the Ukrainian Parliament. George Herbert Walker Bush, who addressed the Ukranian MPs from Verkhovna Rada’s podium, was the first. This happened when Ukraine expressed its intention to become an independent State. In his speech entitled “Chicken Kiev,” the former U.S President called on Ukraine to refrain from suicidal …