• Russian mercenaries in east Ukraine paid over 60 K roubles a month


    As reported by Ukrainian intelligence, military units and weaponry prohibited by the Minsk agreements are being accumulated by pro-Russian militants in the Donbas region of Ukraine. At the same time The Russian Federal Security Service is investigating the militants shelling their own positions.  “The pro-Russian rebels are taking steps to support the Russian occupying forces with their rotation and redeployment of the front formations, ensuring their readiness to carry out missions in …

  • Turkey promises to disclose the evidence of the Russian involvement in buying of ISIS oil

    The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, stated that Ankara has the evidence to prove Moscow is involved in oil trade with ISIS. “We have the evidences and we will show it to the world,” the European mass media quoted Erdoğan. He mentioned that Syrian businessman, George haswani who has Russian citizenship is, allegedly, one of the oil buyers.

    Furthermore the President of Turkey, called the Russian accusations of his family’s involvement in oil supplies from the territories, which are …

  • Crimean energy independence to cost Russia $ 2 billion

    The Russian government may pay $2 billion for the power bridge construction between Kuban – Crimea Peninsula, wrote newspaper Vedomosti, referring to the estimates of “Renaissance Capital” analyst Vladimir Sklyar.

    To construct the stations with 940 MW total capacity may cost US $1.1–1.3 billion. But, according to Sklar, the construction in Crimea will cost $400-450 million more.

    On Dec. 2, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, launched the first line of an energy bridge to  Crimea. The first …

  • Russia prepares new bases in Syria

    Russia prepares two new air bases in Syria

    Russia increased the number of air bases in Syria: one accommodates fighters in the province of Homs, another - used for helicopter departures in Al-Tayas, reported by Reuters, referring to the statement made from the Observatory on Human Rights in Syria, based in London.

    As reported, the second base is controlled by ISIL (banned in Russia) in Palmyra. The base is used for terrorist attacks in this area.

    Activists also reported that Russia is …

  • Kremlin hampers progress in Donbas

    The Kremlin's position prevents effective work in the Donbas

    To postpone the Ukrainian question and unite in the fight against the "Islamic state" was the call made by the representative of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, at the meeting of OSCE Foreign Ministers in Belgrade.

    In turn, Ukrainian foreign Minister, Pavlo Klimkin, reminded those in attendance that the Ukrainian issue is on the agenda for the Belgrade meeting. Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine threaten peace no less than the "ISIL" …

  • Kurdish tankers on Russian videos.

    Kurdish officials: Oil tankers on the Russian videos belonged to us

    Iraqi Kurds said that the tankers shown on the videos provided by the Russian Ministry of Defence are of their own property, Turkish newspaper the “Daily Sabah reported.

    "Our Ministry of Natural Resources earlier reported that hundreds of tankers carry oil from Kurdistan to Turkey. Russia's claims are based on inadequate sources. We categorically reject the Russian charges," Sherko Jawdat, Chairman of the Energy Committee of …

  • Putin opens first energy-bridge line in Crimea

    The Russian authorities claim that by Dec. 20, the energy demand for Crimea will be covered by 80-90 percent. The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, took part in the launching ceremony of the energy-bridge`s first line in Crimea. According to Putin, some elements, in the process of launching the first line, have yet to adjust. "And we have to warn the consumers—residents of Crimea—that there are still some troubleshooting issues we need to resolve. But in general, the first line should work …

  • NATO will provide Turkey with new military equipment

    The North Atlantic Alliance finds new ways to enhance the Turkish air force.This statement was made by the Secretary General of NATO,Jens Stoltenberg, on Dec. 1, reported Deutsche Welle.In his speech to the Foreign Ministers of NATO in Brussels, Stoltenberg appealed to Turkey and Russia to resolve the crisis and find ways to prevent such a situation.Stoltenberg said that NATO will be working on further measures to ensure the security of Turkey.As expected, the Foreign Ministers will formally …

  • ISIS released a video showing the execution of a Russian spy

    The video begins by showing a man wearing orange overalls, who states that he was recruited by the Russian Intelligence service. Then, a terrorist insults and threatens the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and cuts off the captive spy's head. As reported by the web-site SITE, which analyzes jihadists' activities, extremists claimed that he was a spy acting within the territories of Syria and Iraq, which are under ISIS control.

    Reuters noted that the Russian Foreign Ministry hasn’t yet …

  • NATO doubts Russia will fulfill the terms of the Minsk Agreements

    Changing the intensity of the conflict is the Russia's way to demonstrate its power, General Breedlove stated.

    Breedlove, the U.S. European Command General and the NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, does not believe that Putin intends to implement the Minsk agreement.

    The probability that the Kremlin will fulfill its commitments by the end of the year is negligible,  said Breedlove at a press conference on Wednesday, December 2.

    "It is unlikely that we can get everything Putin …