• Ukrainian Media: Former Swedish Prime Minister a Possible Successor to Yatsenyuk

    The Government of Ukraine may be headed by the former Swedish Prime Minister, Carl Bildt, instead of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as reported by Glavcom, citing a source in the presidential administration.

    The appointment of Bildt, as the newspaper notes, would simplify the negotiations with international money lenders for Kiev, and would also allow President Poroshenko to take greater control of the activities of the government. In addition, such a personnel choice would help the authorities to shift …

  • PACE Collects Signatures to Initiate Investigation into Nemtsov's Murder

    The deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have begun collecting signatures to initiate a further investigation into the murder of a Russian opposition leader, co-chairman of the RPR-PARNAS, Boris Nemtsov. This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Alliance of European Liberal Democrats in PACE, Swedish MP Kerstin Lundgren, in an interview with Voice of America.

    She indicated that the collection of signatures is almost completed. According to procedure, in …

  • Strelkov: DPR and LPR Would Be Quickly Defeated By Ukraine If Not for Russian Support

    The former Minister of Defense of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Strelkov, believes that the armed forces of Novorossiya (New Russia) would be rapidly destroyed without the support of the Russian Army should the armed forces of Ukraine decide to attack. Strelkov stated this in his interview, published on the separatists’ social network page.

    “Based on available information, I regret to say that the DPR Army would be destroyed in few days. The DPR and LPR Armies, the so-called …

  • Separatists in Donbas use the exchange of prisoners as leverage over Ukraine

    Former President Leonid Kuchma, the second President of independent Ukraine and current representative of the Ukrainian government to the Trilateral Contact Group, stated that separatists in Donbas use the exchange of prisoners as leverage over Ukraine, when in fact many of those prisoners could be deceased by now.

    “The last time, we negotiated twice on the number of prisoners to be exchanged. Representatives of the separatists came and negotiations started anew. Delaying this process is their …

  • Despite Frequent Power Cuts, Russian Authorities in Crimea Say Electricity Supply Is 'Stable'

    Russian authorities in Crimea provided three straight hours of electricity to homes and called the power supply situation ‘completely stable.’ The press service reported on January 24th that industry works and that the supplied power came to 48 megawatts. The power supply priorities have changed.

    In the past, homes were disconnected from the electrical grid three times a day for 2 hours at a time. This was a problem because heavy frosts—17 degrees below zero—plagued Crimea.

    On the 30th of …

  • Norway Suspends Deportation of Refugees to Russia

    Norwegian authorities temporarily stopped the deportation of refugees that had come into the country from Russia, reported the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. According to ministry representatives, Russia expressed a wish to discuss the coordination of refugee return procedures at greater length, so their deportation is suspended until further notice.

    This week it became known that Norway began to send back to Russia those immigrants who crossed the Russian-Norwegian border and in recent months …

  • Police in Dagestan Block Rally in Support Of Putin and Kadyrov

    On January 24th, police in Dagestan blocked an attempted demonstration rally by followers of Sagid Murtalzaliev, who was declared wanted in connection with terrorism. One of the organizers, Ahmed Pasha Amirilaev, reported in his interview with Ekho Moskvii that the police had stopped people who supported Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. Amirilaev did not confirm information that police officers tore up posters of Putin and Kadyrov.

    The …

  • Poroshenko: Ukraine Expects $7 Billion Loan from IMF

    Ukraine expects the allocation of $7 billion from the International Monetary Fund this year, reported the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in an interview with CNN.

    Information about the upcoming loan installment was posted on Twitter by the Administration of the President. Previously on Twitter, Poroshenko said that the IMF may allocate another loan in February 2016. "Ukraine expects the next allocation from the IMF in February 2016," said Poroshenko.

    Previously it was also reported …

  • Syrian Opposition: Assad and Russia are to Blame if Peace Talks do not Proceed

    Representatives of forty-five opposition groups refused to start negotiations before the UN resolution is fulfilled.

    On Saturday, the representatives of the Syrian opposition said that "it's impossible" to begin negotiations with the government until the UN resolution on humanitarian issues is fulfilled.

    A joint statement made by 45 opposition and rebel groups said that although they support the process of political resolution, they believe that that it's not possible to conclude the …

  • Russian-German Demonstration Held in Berlin

    In front of the Chancellor’s home in Berlin, there was a demonstration held in response to the alleged abduction and rape of a 13-year-old girl by refugees.  According to prosecutors she consented to the sexual contact.  Nearly 700 “Russian Germans” who live in Berlin attended the demonstration under the slogan "Stop violence from migrants." Among the demonstrators were also those known to the police as the Berlin Neo-Nazis.

    As the demonstrators stressed their Russian origin, the newspaper …