• Chechen President Kadyrov Calls for Punishing Russian Opposition

    The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, stated that opposition groups are trying to take advantage of the difficult economic situation in Russia in order to destabilize the political situation. “These people should be treated like enemies of the state, like traitors. They hold nothing sacred,” he added.

    "These people don't care about the fate of Russia and the Russian people. They play as directed by the games of Western intelligence agencies. They dance to their tune, and …

  • Poroshenko Discusses Ukrainian Conflict with Merkel and Hollande

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held a telephone conference with the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and the President of France, Francois Hollande, reported the Press Service of the Administration of the Ukrainian President.

    According to the report, the Ukrainian President stressed the unacceptability of the violation of the ceasefire by the Russian-backed separatists and the denial of access of OSCE observers to the occupied territory and uncontrolled parts of the Russian- …

  • Russian Delegation Demands Amnesty and Elections for Breakaway Regions in Eastern Ukraine

    On Monday, January 11th, Boris Gryzlov, the permanent representative of Russia to the Trilateral Contact Group, visited Kiev where he brought the Kremlin’s offer concerning the end of the war in the Donbas. According to Apostrophe, the Ukrainian contingent was not satisfied with the proposal.

    According to sources, one of the main issues was the topic of elections in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Gryzlov stated that it would not matter to the Russians which election …

  • Turkey Detains 3 Russians with Suspected Islamic State Ties

    TASS reported that Turkish authorities detained three Russian citizens in Antalya suspected of being involved with the so-called Islamic State. The Antalya Consul General, Alexander Tolstopyatenko, confirmed the detention of three Russians. According to him, the reasons for their detention are being investigated.

    Turkish news agency Dogan noted that the arrests took place after the terrorist act on Sultanahmet square in the city of Istanbul on Wednesday. According to Dogan, documents and CDs …

  • Ukrainian Government Supports Immediate Announcement of Ceasefire in Donbas Region

    The press secretary of Leonid Kuchma, Darya Olifer, reported that Ukraine supports the immediate announcement of a ceasefire. According to her, the initiative comes from the representative of the Russian Federation in the Trilateral Contact Group, Boris Gryzlov.

    “Ukraine insists that mine clearing operations and the resolution of political, humanitarian and economic issues aren’t possible without the cessation of hostilities. That is why Ukraine supports Gryzlov’s announcement that a ceasefire …

  • Russia will Lose an Estimated $60 Billion in 2016- Bank of Russia

    Russia’s net capital outflow from January to November 2015 amounted to an estimated $53 billion. Experts believe that the outflow of capital from Russia in 2016 could reach nearly $60 billion. This forecast was announced by the head of the Department of Monetary Policy of the Bank of Russia, Igor Dmitriev, at the Gaidar Forum 2016, as reported by TASS.

    "We don't expect a significant capital outflow in the coming year. Even under the risk scenario, it will be close to our 2015 numbers, about 60 …

  • Russian Deputy PM Rogozin Visits Belgrade

    After his visit to Belgrade, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin expressed much cynicism towards Serbia and implied that it was setting itself up to be the site for a ‘Cologne Two’ scenario.

    Rogozin’s visit to Serbia was marked by scandal, reports a correspondent of Radio Svoboda, Yulia Petrovskaya. After Rogozin said that Serbia faces a ‘Cologne Two’ situation in regard to its commitment to the European Union, the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Zorana Mihajlović, advised the Russian …

  • Donetsk Court Withholds Evidence in Savchenko Case

    The Chairman of the Donetsk City Court, Leonid Stepanenko, refused to add witness interrogation reports to the case file during Nadiya Savchenko’s trial, the former Ukrainian pilot who is standing trial in Russia for the deaths of 2 Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine. According to the defense, these documents confirm that there was a skirmish between two military units on the day of the Russian reporters’ deaths, the incident in which Savchenko is charged.

    “The firefight wasn’t directed …

  • Erdogan: Russia Is Attempting To Create New State in Syria

    Reuters reported that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that Russia intends to create a new state in Syria. According to the news agency, Erdogan said that the Russian air force continues to carry out attacks on Syrian Turkish rebels in the northern part of the country. He also harshly criticized Iran for using the situation in Syria, Iraq and Yemen in order to extend its influence in the region.

    Relations between Russia and Turkey deteriorated after a Turkish F-16 fighter shot …

  • Ukrainian rail company to file lawsuit against Russia

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure plans to file a complaint against Russia in the coming months.The Ukrainian Railway Company, Ukrzaliznytsya, which was established by the State Administration of Railroad Transportation of Ukraine, plans to file a claim against Russia for losses caused by the annexation of Crimea, as reported to UNIAN by Vladimir Omelyan, the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure. Ukrzaliznytsya is currently preparing the required documentation for the claim. If the Ministry …