• Yatsenyuk Outlines Priorities of Cabinet of Ministers in 2016

    According to Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Ukrainian government in 2016 will implement policies aimed at opening new markets for Ukrainian products and creating new workplaces, as reported by the Glavnoe, citing Yatsenyuk during the program "10 minutes with the Prime Minister."

    "We will concentrate our forces on gaining all the possible advantages offered by the free trade zone agreement with the EU. A separate area of work will focus on the special trade missions of our …

  • Poroshenko: 'Geneva Plus' Provides a Road Map for the Return of Crimea to Ukraine

    An international platform, tentatively referred to as ‘Geneva Plus,’ would provide a number of measures for freeing Crimea from Russian occupation, according to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Proposed measures would range from sanctions, international pressure, and the release of illegally detained Ukrainians, to the judicial protection of the interests of Ukraine in international courts, as stated by Poroshenko in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels on Sunday, January 24th.

    "In …

  • Ukraine Ministry of Defense: 300 people have died from swine flu in Donbas region

    On January 24th, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that approximately 300 people were killed by the H1N1 swine flu virus or acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in Donetsk. The occupation authorities of the Donbas region are unable to provide the local population with needed medical care, leading to an outbreak of the illnesses. The Chief Directorate of Intelligence noted that tensions in the Donbas conflict continue unabated.

    The Deputy Minister of Health Care of Ukraine, Igor …

  • Yatsenyuk Advocates Holding a Referendum on Constitutional Amendments

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk advocated holding a referendum on the adoption of a new Constitution. According to RIA Novosti, on January 24th Yatsenyuk stated that “The time has come for Ukrainian people to say what the Constitution should be in new European Ukraine. None but Ukrainians have the rights to determine the fundamental law.”

    Five days prior, it was reported that a group of deputies registered in Verkhovna Rada the draft law “On the procedure for the formulation of the …

  • Ukrainian Authorities: the Situation in the Donbas Region is Critical

    Pro-Russian separatists of the DPR and the LPR are trying to create a "political system that shows signs of a totalitarian regime" in the occupied territories, the head of the ATO of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vitaliy Malikov, said.Social and living conditions as well as economic and humanitarian situations in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions which are occupied by militants, can be described as critical, Malikov said in an interview with ZN.ua. According to him, the fuel and energy sector, …

  • Rally against anti-protest legislation held in Moscow

    In Moscow, on the Yauza Gate square, a rally was held to support Ildar Dadina and several other political prisoners. Participants also called for the abolition of the ‘protest’ Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code, the law against participating in unsanctioned protests, as reported by a correspondent for Grani.  The rally was attended by about 400 people.

    The activists held slogans such as: "Anyone who thinks is the enemy," "Putin, bring in your henchmen," "The Constitution should be read to …

  • Pro-Russian group in Poland submits complaint with Prosecutor's Office over Ukrainian activists

    An unregistered Polish political party called “Change” filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s office in Warsaw about the Euromaidan-Warsaw activists. Polish Radio reported that Ukrainians were accused of contempt of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.

    Members of the party drew attention to October 7th last year when Euromaidan-Warsaw activists started picketing the Embassy of Russia Federation on the center of Warsaw. During the protest, participants used placards where Putin was …

  • Moldovan Opposition Delivers Ultimatum to Authorities in Chisinau

    Representatives of the Moldovan opposition delivered an ultimatum to the authorities in Chisinau. RIA Novosti reported that the group threatened to block routes of international and national importance if their demands are not met by Thursday, January 28th. A major protest rally was held in Chisinau on Sunday, January 24th.

    According to police, there are nearly 20,000 people taking part in the protest held in the central square of the capital of Moldova. Organizers stated that more than 100,000 …

  • Poroshenko: Constitutional Changes will exclude 'Special Status' for Regions

    Decentralization and constitutional changes will exclude the adoption of laws on “special status” for any of the regions as stated by the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at a meeting of the Association of Towns of Ukraine in Kiev.

    "Decentralization and constitutional change, on the contrary, discourages attempts to create laws granting "special status" for any city, region or territory," Poroshenko said.

    According to the President, the forces that are trying to stop the process of …

  • Shkiryak: Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky Ordered Each Other's Assassination

    The Ukrainian Advisor to the Minister of the Interior, Zorian Shkiryak wrote on his Facebook page that the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, ordered the murder of each other.

    “It became known from the sources close to the leaders of the terrorists that the leader of Lugansk People’s Republic, Igor Plotnitsky ordered the murder of the leader of Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko. Zakharchenko, in …