Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin believes Trump is determined to stabilize relations between USA and Russia

    On Thursday, speaking at the traditional Valdai Forum in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that US President Donald Trump is ready to listen to him and is determined to improve the relations between the two countries.

     “In my opinion, the current president [of the US] is determined to stabilize and level the relations between Russia and the US,” Putin said and added that “we will see how the situation will further develop”.

    Putin denied the accusations of Western countries …

  • Sanctions devastate major Russian hi-tech project

    One of the largest hi-tech development projects in Russia, initiated by the government and the Security Council, has come to ruin due to sanctions.

    The Angstrem-T microchip plant, which belongs to former Communications Minister Leonid Reiman and has received $1 billion in state financing, is close to bankruptcy.

    The company, which received an €815 million credit line from Vnesheconombank (VEB) in 2008 to build a factory in Zelenograd, has not yet even begun repaying the loan. Reuters reports …

  • Russia accuses Ukraine of escalating the situation in the Donbas

    On October 18, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a statement on the aggravated situation in Ukraine.

     In this small document in several paragraphs, Ukraine is accused of killing the leader of the so called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Alexander Zakharchenko, tearing apart Orthodoxy, ignoring the "will of the fraternal Russian and Ukrainian peoples” in connection with the decision to terminate the Friendship Treaty and, in general, anti-Russian politics.

    “The State Duma is …

  • Lavrov: Russia will not allow NATO ships to enter the Sea of Azov

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia would not allow NATO vessels to enter the Sea of Azov to participate in the joint exercises with Ukraine.

    “Now Ukraine wants to invite NATO to conduct joint exercises in the Sea of Azov, but this will not be possible because our agreement with Ukraine requires mutual consent for the passage of warships into the Sea of Azov,” said Lavrov in his interview with RT France, Paris Match and Le Figaro.

    “But they want it, and they are actively …

  • US promises new Russia sanctions every two months

    The US will continue its systematic tightening of sanctions on Russia in order to force the Kremlin to change its policy towards Ukraine, US State Department Special Representative for Ukraine said at the Atlantic Council in Washington on Thursday.

    According to Volker, new sanctions will be imposed at a rate of “once every month or two”, in order to increase the pressure on Russia’s leaders.

    “We are increasing the pressure in order to force them to negotiate. This includes keeping US …

  • Putin: Russians would go to heaven in nuclear war

    During a session of the Valdai Discussion Club ,Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will “never be the initiator of military action, including the use of nuclear weaponry”, but in the event of a nuclear strike, all Russians will “go to heaven”.

    “An aggressor must know that retaliation is unavoidable. We, the victims of aggression, we will go to heaven like martyrs. But they will just die, because they won’t even have time to repent,” Putin remarked.

    He also emphasized that …

  • Medvedev: sanctions against Russian banks would be a declaration of trade war

    The possible imposition of sanctions against the Russian bank sector will become “the declaration of trade war” but Moscow can overcome the limitations, stated Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with Euronews. The Head of the Cabinet of Ministers stressed that the Russian economy “is able to adapt to any forms of pressure.”

    “The question is why this [imposition of sanctions] is needed. The answer is that this destroys international order, including international economic …

  • Kremlin: US denied entry to Russian appointee to UN post

    The United States denied entry to a Russian, who was appointed to the UN secretariat, stated the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova.

    "Earlier, the Americans refused entry to a Russian citizen for no reason, one who has been appointed to the UN Secretariat. The Americans have been delaying their response for the whole year" Zakharova complained, adding that the United States continue to create problems for Russians. She pointed out that the US has gone …

  • Medvedev: Trump unable to improve relations with Russia

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in an interview with Euronews, said that the U.S. President Donald Trump “hasn’t done anything yet to achieve radical improvement between two countries’ relations.” Prime Minister expressed his doubt that Trump will succeed at improving relations in the future. One of the interview excerpts was published on the YouTube channel.

    “He is unlikely to be able to do it because of the pressure that is being put on him,” RIA Novosti quoted the prime minister. …

  • China refuses to repair Russian ship because of US sanctions

    A ship repair company in Shanghai refused to meet its contractual obligations to repair the Neptun for the Russia-based Gudzon shipping company, whose ships have already experienced sanctions-related issues in South Korea. As Gudzon director Gennady Kononenko told TASS on Wednesday, the Chinese company refused to perform the repairs because Gudzon’s ships are on the US’s North Korea sanctions list.

    “We have a ship, the Neptun, which is in Shanghai for repairs. Today I am already in Shanghai …