Contents tagged with Russia

  • US Air Force carries out reconnaissance flight near Russian borders in the Barents Sea

    On Sunday, October 20, a US Air Force Boeing RC-135U Combat strategic reconnaissance aircraft flew over the international borders of the Barents Sea near Russia’s maritime borders in the Murmansk region, Interfax reports, citing the monitoring data of western aviation resources.

    The aircraft bearing number 64-14849 and call sign LUIGI16 took off from the Mildenhall airbase of the Royal Air Forces of Great Britain. The flight lasted over three hours.

    On Thursday, October 18, a USAF Boeing RC-13 …

  • NATO accuses Moscow of unilaterally denouncing the US INF treaty

    Representatives of  the North Atlantic Alliance stated that Moscow is responsible for the unilateral denunciation of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-range and Shorter-range Missiles (INF) with the USA since, in recent years, Russia has not complied with the terms of the treaty, reports Russian media.

    “At the NATO summit in July, the Allies declared that the US was fulfilling the terms of the treaty, while Russia’s actions over many years, has cast a whole range of doubts,” NATO …

  • Pakistan criticizes India’s arms deal with Russia

    The Pakistani government has criticized India’s intention to purchase S-400 anti-air missile systems from Russia, and responded that Islamabad is capable of opposing the supposed threat to its security.

    Earlier Delhi signed a deal with Russia to purchase what experts consider the most modern anti-missile defense systems for a price of $5.4 billion. The Indian authorities claim to be doing so in order to protect India against missile strikes from China or Pakistan.

    In an official communique, …

  • Russia calls US withdrawal from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty ‘blackmail’

    The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, wrote on his Facebook page that Donald Trump’s statement about withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) is "an ongoing blackmail."

    According to him, the United States as a nuclear power "destroys" this treaty unilaterally. Kosachev noted that the consequences of such actions would be catastrophic.

    The senator explained that after the withdrawal, Washington would be able …

  • Russian ambassador: any attack on Belarus will be viewed as an attack on Russia

    Moscow will regard any military attack on Belarus as an attack on Russia, said Russian ambassador to Belarus Mikhail Babich in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel and added that the two countries have friendly relations.

    In particular, the ambassador commented on the possibility of deploying a permanent American base in Poland, which was discussed by US President Donald Trump and Polish President Andrzej Duda on September 18 in Washington.

    Commenting on the militarization of the region, …

  • Russia accuses the US of creating false excuses to impose sanctions

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the US of creating excuses to impose sanctions.

    In response to Washington's charges against a Russian woman accused of interfering in the Congressional midterm elections, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the US is leading “a shameful slanderous campaign” against Russia, which stems from the desire of some American politicians to gain the upper hand in “interparty brawls”.

    “They use illegible means, including evidently ordered criminal …

  • Kyiv: Fewer foreign ships enter Crimean ports

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons reports that the number of foreign ships entering the ports of the annexed Crimea has decreased since the beginning of this year.

    “A total of 1207 cargo ships and tankers entered the ports and coastal areas of the occupied Crimea from August 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018,” said the ministry, adding that this refers to vessels equipped with automatic identification systems.

    According to the report, 98 …

  • Washington: Russia can influence public opinion through RT and Sputnik

    In a joint statement of the Director’s office of the National Intelligence Agency, Ministry of Justice, FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security, the United States said that Russia, China, and Iran are “attempting” to undermine the institution of democracy and influence public opinion.

    The statement is published on the website of the head of national intelligence.

    “We are concerned about ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence …

  • LPR threatens to shoot down Ukrainian aicraft near the contact line in Donbas

    A representative of the Defense Department of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko said that LPR militants would shoot down Ukrainian military aircraft if Ukrainian Armed Forces use them near the contact line in the Donbas, reports  Luginform news outlet.

    “The use of combat aircraft is a gross violation of the agreements reached in Minsk,” he said. According to Marochko, Luhansk has the right to shoot down air targets, which fly into the 30- …

  • Putin promises Egypt $25 billion in assistance

    Russia will grant Egypt a loan of $25 billion for the Al Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a session of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi.

    The Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom will be providing the reactors for the plant.

    “We have great plans to collaborate [with Egypt] in the economic sphere,” Putin said, “This will involve energy, not just hydrocarbon, but also nuclear energy”.

    “We are starting to build a nuclear power plant, as you …