Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin promises Egypt $25 billion in assistance

    Russia will grant Egypt a loan of $25 billion for the Al Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a session of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi.

    The Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom will be providing the reactors for the plant.

    “We have great plans to collaborate [with Egypt] in the economic sphere,” Putin said, “This will involve energy, not just hydrocarbon, but also nuclear energy”.

    “We are starting to build a nuclear power plant, as you …

  • Shoygu and Mattis meet in person for the first time

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation press service reported on Facebook that Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and the United States Secretary of Defense, James Mattis met in person for the first time at the international summit in Singapore. According the Russian Ministry of Defense, Mattis and Shoygu shook hands at the entrance to the hall before the start of the summit’s official part.

    It is reported that the head of the Pentagon expressed condolences to Shoygu in regards …

  • US pulls out of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia

    The United States has decided to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty which it signed with the Soviet Union and its legal successor, the Russian Federation.

    The agreement that was signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 and which heralded the end of the Cold War no longer makes sense, because “Russia has been violating it for many years”, US President Donald Trump said on Saturday.

    The INF Treaty stipulated that the Soviet Union, and subsequently …

  • Russian Prime Minister: USSR lived for decades under sanctions

    Russia is not going to persuade Europeans to lift anti-Russian sanctions, said by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the press conference following the talks with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, TASS reported.

     “Lifting sanctions is a mutually beneficial matter and we should not persuade our partners to cancel anything, we don’t need it,” Medvedev said.

    He also said that “our European colleagues need it, they should start an initiative themselves”.

     “If they don’t want to, we …

  • Washington temporarily lifts sanctions from head of Russia’s space agency

    NASA director Jim Bridenstine stated that Washington will temporarily lift sanctions from the head of the Russian state owned corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin so that he can visit the US at the invitation of NASA.

    “I would like to discuss many questions with Dmitry Rogozin. If we want to establish a good working relationship, then we need to start to fully interact with each other, which in turn, will be good for both countries. We worked in a number of areas, so the Chief Director of …

  • Putin and Trump may meet in November

    A senior advisor in the Trump administration said at a press meeting on Friday, October 19 that US President Donald Trump and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin may hold bilateral meetings in Paris or in Buenos Aires in November.

    “There are a couple possibilities, including the G-20 in Buenos Aires or the Armistice Day parade in Paris. At the G-20 is probably more likely,” the advisor said. “And President Trump’s invitation to Putin to visit Washington, DC still stands.” France is …

  • Head of Swiss intelligence: Russia has increased spy activities in the country

    Head of the Swiss intelligence Jean-Philippe Gaudin stated that there a lot of Russian spies in the country who have recently become more active, Deutsche Welle reported.

    Gaudin did not mention the exact number of spies but he explained that Russian agents in Switzerland are now become more active than before.

    He said that the Swiss Prosecutor’s Office is investigating a criminal case against two Russians, allegedly employees of the GRU (Main Russian Intelligence Directorate), Yevgeny …

  • Erdogan invites France, Germany and Russia to hold talks on Syria

    The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron will hold talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The meeting will be held on October 27th in Istanbul. Its central theme will be the situation in Syria, reports the Deutsche Welle.

    The parties will meet, by invitation from Erdogan, said his spokesman on Friday, October 19th. This will be the first meeting with these participants. Until now, Turkey has sought to discuss the …

  • Volker: Russia will not go on the offensive in the Donbas

    During his speech at the Atlantic Council center in Washington, the US Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker asserted that Russia would not go on the offensive in the East of Ukraine .

    The American official explained that one of the reasons that it would not be profitable for Russia to aggravate the situation is a high probability that a new spiral of tension in the east of Ukraine could foster the growth of support for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

    "[An offensive] would …

  • Suspected Russian spy released in Norway

    An employee of the Central Office of the Russian Federation Council, Mikhail Bochkaryov, who was recently detained in Norway on suspicion of espionage, has now been released, according to the head of the Committee of the Upper House on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev.

    “Yes, the Norwegian delegation in the Inter-Parliamentary Union informed us about it.  We have repeatedly discussed this problem with them,” Kosachev stated.

    On September 23, it was reported about a Russian citizen …