Contents tagged with Russia

  • EU may impose sanctions on Russia because of its actions in Sea of Azov

    European Parliament says that Russia’s aggressive actions in the Sea of Azov are unacceptable and could lead to the escalation of a new conflict in Europe. The European legislative body is thus calling for additional sanctions to be imposed on Russia, Ukrinform reports.

    The overwhelming majority of participants in debates in European Parliament on the topic consider Russia’s actions unacceptable.

    “Russia’s violations of international law are not something new. But the attempt to annex the Sea …

  • Kremlin considers blocking news aggregators in Russia

    News websites in Russia that collect, display and link to related content may be blocked for not fulfilling the requirements regarding restriction of foreign ownership.

    “Sanctions for failure to comply with the requirements will include restricted access of the Russian service providers to the news aggregator until the owner of the aggregator fulfils the requirements,” said an explanatory note published in the State Duma’s electronic database.

    At the request of the authorized federal …

  • Lawyer: Yanukovych will personally appear in Ukrainian court for the final statement

    The former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych will appear in court in person in order to make the final statement in the case of high treason, stated his lawyer, Oleksandr Goroshynsky, UNIAN reports. “We will see if I will be present at the session. But yes, [Yanukovych] will appear in person. Maybe a bit later,” his lawyer said.

    The Obolon District Court in Kyiv is considering the case on high treason initiated against Yanukovych. The court invited the ex-President to make a final …

  • Russia and Pakistan conduct joint military exercises

    Pakistan and Russia began annual joint military exercises to strengthen cooperation in the war against terrorism and the growing threat from the Islamic State group in neighboring Afghanistan.

    According to officials, the Friendship III exercise began on Monday at the National Center for Counterterrorism in the mountain city of Pabbi. A Pakistani Special Forces headquarters is also located there.

    The official representative of the Pakistan army, Major General Asif Ghafoor, said that this was …

  • Putin: Sevastopol was legally always a part of Russia

    During a meeting with the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Sevastopol, “was legally always a part of Russia.”

    Sobyanin noted that Moscow and Sevastopol are sister cities, and “at all times, even when Sevastopol was not a part of Russia,” the Russian capital always helped it. Putin interrupted Sobyanin, saying that Sevastopol formally has always been a Russian city.

    “Sevastopol has always been legally part of Russia. It was a city under central …

  • Russia to cut back on social spending in favor of defense, police and state banks

    The Russian Finance Ministry published draft amendments to the federal budget for 2018, in which it, for the second time in the last 6 months, proposes to reduce expenditure on the social articles and to increase funding for the law enforcement and defense departments, state organizations and state banks, reports.

    Due to the spike in oil prices and the weak ruble, the budget surplus is five times higher than the initial prediction, at 2.14 trillion rubles instead of the pledged 481.7 …

  • Poroshenko: gas prices in Ukraine can only be lowered through 'Russian gas cabal'

    During a meeting with a team from the Accounting Chamber in Kyiv on Monday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko urged Ukrainians not to believe the populists who promise to bring down the price of natural gas, because this can only be done by going back to Russian gas supply contracts. “Listen today to the populists’ promises to bring the gas price down to half, a third, a quarter – some have even agreed to lower the price to one sixth. This can only be done by returning to the Russian gas …

  • Putin imposes retaliatory sanctions against Ukraine

    The report published on the Kremlin’s website states that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree introducing "special economic measures" in regards to the "unfriendly Ukraine’s actions."

    The decree states that Russia imposed these economic restrictions to protect its national interests and “respond to Ukraine’s unfriendly and contrary to international law actions related to the introduction of restrictive measures against citizens and legal entities of the Russian Federation”.

    The …

  • Ukraine, Norway, Montenegro and Albania extend sanctions against Russia

    The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini announced that Ukraine, Montenegro, Albania and Norway have aligned themselves with the European Union's decision to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation. European Union imposed these sanctions due to the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

    In September, these four countries supported the European Union Council’s decision, which extended the restrictions on Russia …

  • Russian tycoon Rotenberg files lawsuit against Scandinavian banks for failure to provide service because of sanctions

    Representatives of the Swedish banks Svenska Handelsbanken and Nordea, the Danish bank Danske Bank and their Finnish divisions have confirmed to the Finnish broadcasting corporation Yle that Russian businessman Boris Rotenberg filed lawsuits against them and accused them of violating their obligations.

    In early October, Rotenberg filed lawsuits against these banks and the Finnish OP Corporate Bank with the Helsinki District Court. The businessman alleged that the banks violated service …