Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian nuclear submarines no longer 'invisible' to the United States

    Russian nuclear submarines are no longer "invisible" to the United States and can be easily detected by the U.S. military aircraft. The October 23-29 issue of the weekly Military-Industrial Courier newspaper published in Russia indicates that the U.S. "is actively working on new ways to detect Russian submarines."

    According to the publication, during the recent naval exercises, officers from the submarine Severomorsk compared the flight trajectory of the American reconnaissance aircraft Orion …

  • Russia calls Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO a colossal problem

    During the Valdai Discussion Club, the Director of the Department of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrey Kelin stated that the possible Ukraine and Georgia’s accession to NATO would become a colossal economic and military problem for Russia.

    “We will have to build a defensive belt near Sochi and spend enormous resources to prevent a possible attack from the potential enemy, it is inevitable,” TASS news agency cites Kelin as saying.

    Kelin added that Russia has a long …

  • Russia to help Venezuela cope with their crisis

    A group of officials from the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service, and the Treasury, are visiting Venezuela at the invitation of the Venezuelan government, TASS news agency reports citing Andrei Lavrov, a spokesman for the Russian Finance Ministry. According to Lavrov, Caracas is anticipating an exchange of experience with the Russians in the field of economic reform.

    According to Lavrov, those who came to …

  • Chinese banks are closing Russian business accounts

    Chinese banks have begun purging themselves of Russian clients, closing company accounts left right and center, blocking payments, and refusing to process even the most simple operations, such as currency conversion, Skymax managing partner Igor Shibanov told RIA Novosti.

    According to Shibanov, who works both in mainland China and in Hong Kong, the problems began roughly one and a half years ago. Initially, companies that were placed on the US and EU sanctions lists were at risk, but now the …

  • Russian Defense Minister warns Europe of 'serious consequences' if the US withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu stated that the withdrawal of the US from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty would have serious consequences primarily for Europe, Interfax reports.  

    “We are interested to see the reaction of Europe to the US decision to withdraw from the INF. And I would like Europe to know and understand the consequences that would follow in the case of the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, ”said Shoygu.

    The decision of the United States will …

  • Polish President: Moscow’s imperial ambitions are obvious to everyone

    Moscow’s imperial ambitions are obvious to everyone; therefore, the NATO’s eastern flank should be strengthened, said Polish President Andrzej Duda in an interview with Bild am Sonntag.

    When asked how dangerous the Russian president is due to threats that Russia poses for Poland and other countries of the eastern part of the EU, Duda answered, "Over the last ten years, Russia twice forcibly changed European borders."

    "In 2008 it attacked Georgia, and in 2014 it attacked Ukraine. In both cases, …

  • France: Russia's presence will not help to stabilize the situation in Central African Republic

    Recently, Moscow announced plans to send additional equipment and new military instructors to the Central African Republic (CAR).

    Following Russia's announcement, French Defense Minister Florence Parly told the weekly Jeune Afrique that Russia’s expanding influence in the CAR, a former French colony, over the past months, will unlikely to help stabilize the situation in the country.

    In December 2017, Russia received the United Nations’ Security Council’s approval to supply weapons to the CAR, …

  • Russia calls on the US to stop expelling diplomats and return diplomatic property

    RIA Novosti reports that Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister said he would like that the US and Russia abandon the mutual expulsions of diplomats.

    According to the Russian foreign minister, he proposed this during his meeting with the US National Security Advisor to the President, John Bolton.

    Lavrov also expressed the desire to resolve the issue of the country’s diplomatic property. According to him, the beginning of the resolution includes mutual permission to visit those buildings “ …

  • OSCE drone disappears over the Donbas

    The Special Monitoring Mission of the OSCE lost its drone over the territory of the Donbas which is not controlled by Ukraine. The drone was recording the movement of Russian military equipment, reported the command the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation (JFO) citing the SMM report.

    The JFO reported that the incident happened at 1:18 AM on October 27. While flying over an area near Kalynove, 72 km east of Donetsk, an SMM long-range unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV spotted a 9K33 Osa surface-to-air …

  • Russia deploys Samarkand electronic warfare systems near NATO's eastern borders

    The Russian Defense Ministry deployed the latest Samarkand electronic warfare systems (EW) in strategic areas, Interfax reported with reference to the data from the government procurement portal. The systems are deployed in seven regions, including the Kaliningrad and Krasnodar oblasts and Primorsky Krai, as well as in the territory of neighboring Belarus.

    “According to the tender documents, at least 13 EW Samarkand-U, Samarkand SU-Pred-K2, and Samarkand PU-Pred-D" systems have been deployed …