Contents tagged with Russia

  • Kremlin: USA prepares a war and Russia is preparing for it

    The U.S. is "preparing a war," said the deputy head of the Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrei Belousov at the UN General Assembly.

    According to him, Washington recently accused Russia of preparing a war. But, as Belousov stressed, Russian citizens are preparing to defend their homeland, its territorial integrity, its principles and people.

    Moscow and the United States have significant differences in this matter, he noted, including "in the …

  • Ukraine demands that Russia stop recruiting Crimeans to its army

    The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry protested the ongoing recruitment of Crimean residents to the Russian army. “Such actions are a blatant violation of the obligations according to the International Humanitarian law that prohibits Russia, as an occupying state, to force individuals to serve in its armed forces or reserve forces and to promote voluntary service in the army,” the Ministry’s statement reads.

    The Ministry has also demanded that Russia stop persecuting Ukrainian citizens for …

  • Poroshenko calls on Russia to withdraw its forces from the Donbas

    Speaking at the forum of Ukraine and Belarus regions in Gomel, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called on Russia to withdraw its troops from the Donbas.  

    “It was in Minsk, where the document was agreed and signed. It will be a part of the history of diplomacy in times to come. What are these agreements called? Minsk Agreements. Then the Minsk Agreements were included in the documents of the UN Security Council. In what form did they appear there? As Minsk Agreements. And what does the …

  • Russia introduces draft UN resolution after US decision to withdraw from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russia introduced a draft resolution for consideration by the UN General Assembly after Washington’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Deutsche Welle reports.

    "The international community must react to this situation that can lead to apocalyptic consequences,” an unnamed Russian diplomat told the AFP agency. According to him, this draft resolution was already discussed in the UN Commission on disarmament and should help to save the treaty.  

    The source in …

  • Media: Kremlin to grant Cuba $50 million loan for purchasing Russian weapons

    Russia will grant Cuba a loan of $50 million, the newspaper Kommersant reported with reference to two sources in the arms exports and military industry. According to the sources, the money will be used to purchase Russian weapons.

    They said that the corresponding document will be signed at the coming meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade and scientific-technical cooperation between the two countries. The meeting will be held on October 29-30 in Havana. The Russian delegation …

  • Ukrainian President: we do not want Russia to attack us through Belarus

    President Petro Poroshenko during his visit to Belarus expressed the hope that a Russian invasion from the north will not threaten Ukraine.

    “This is a border of friendship, and we do not want to allow any threat to Ukraine from the Belarusian territory. We are not expecting it, we know that it will not happen, and of course, we do not want Russia to use Belarus to get to our flank,” said Poroshenko in Gomel at a meeting with representatives of the Ukrainian community.

    The President of Ukraine …

  • Russia sends another 'humanitarian convoy' to Donbas

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on October 25, Russia once again sent two convoys into the territory of Donbas under the guise of the so-called "humanitarian cargo".

    "On October 25, Russia illegally sent two convoys of cars which crossed closed Izvaryne and Uspenka border checkpoints into the territory of Ukraine under the pretext of delivering the so-called" humanitarian aid "to the residents of the Russian occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions ", …

  • Media: Russian S-400 missiles systems will be deployed in Turkey next year

    Turkish Anadolu state news agency reported, citing Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar that Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems would be deployed in Turkey in the beginning of October, 2019.

    Turkey's procurement of the S-400 systems, which are incompatible with NATO’s defense systems, raised concerns with the United States and other members of the alliance who are already disturbed by Russia's presence in the Middle East.

    Hurriyet newspaper reports that the Association of …

  • Kremlin intends to fine Google

    Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media or Roskomnadzor has accused Google of violating Russian law and will request a court to fine the company between 500 ($7,615 USD) and 700 thousand (10,660 USD) rubles, Radio Liberty reports.

    The reason for this is that the Internet search engine did not connect to the Russian federal state information system, which contains a list of banned and blocked sites in Russia.

    According to the Russian law, …

  • Putin says Russia will produce weapons that have never been seen before

    After Washington's announcement that the US would be pulling out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will make weapons that have never been seen before.

    On Thursday, speaking to high-ranking representatives of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies, Putin said, “Russia does not threaten anybody. We strictly adhere to our obligations in the sphere of international security and arms control.”

    He added that Russia’s …