Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister intends to propose ‘new elements of cooperation’ to NATO

    At the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO countries with the Heads of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and Georgia on December 4 to 5 in Brussels, Ukraine will offer the Alliance new elements of cooperation, stated Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin at a joint briefing with Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz in Kyiv, Ukrinform reports.

    "At the meeting with the Foreign Minister of the NATO-member countries I will demand not only condemnation [of Russia’s aggression …

  • President Poroshenko: Russia wants to seize the Sea of Azov and other Ukrainian territories

    Russia intends to establish air control over the territories through which gas and oil are sent to Europe. Russia’s aggression must be stopped, said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in an interview with the newspaper Corriere della Sera, as reported by the official presidential website.

    It’s not enough to make joint statements, Poroshenko stresses, it’s time to take action against the aggressor: to stop the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, increase NATO’s presence in the …

  • Russia deploys more warplanes and equipment to Belbek airbase in Crimea

    The Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine reports that Russia placed fighter jets and other military equipment in the open parking areas at the Belbek airfield near Sevastopol.

    “According satellite images, Ukraine recorded 24 units of fighter aircraft, among which 16 SU-27 aircraft of various modifications, 8 aircraft MIG-29, as well as about 150 special vehicles and other military equipment, at the open parking areas of the Belbek airfield, …

  • Ukraine promises more sanctions against Russia because of 'aggression in the Kerch Strait'

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stated that a new set of severe sanctions would be imposed against Russia for aggressive actions in the Kerch Strait, Interfax Ukraine reports.

    “Several sets of sanctions are being prepared, severe sanctions. I cannot talk about all the details, but in fact, what already exists, works against Russia,” said the Foreign Minister.

    Klimkin also said that the US President Donald Trump canceling his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, was a “slap …

  • Members of the European Parliament call for new sanctions against Russia

    According to the Mission of Ukraine to the EU’s post on Facebook,ninety seven members of the European Parliament called on High-Representative Federica Mogherini and all European government leaders to impose targeted sanctions against Russia because of its attack on Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait.

    On the 25th of November, a Russian ship forcefully prevented three Ukrainian military ships from sailing through the Kerch Strait. Russia attacked and seized the ships and captured their crew. …

  • Germany considers closing its ports to Russian ships after incident in Kerch Strait

    Following the incident in the Kerch Strait, German authorities are considering new restrictions for Russia if it doesn’t release detained Ukrainian ships and their crew members.

    Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a German politician who has served as General Secretary of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) suggested closing Germany’s ports to Russian ships which are sailing from the Sea of Azov. She said that all EU countries and the USA should consider this measure as a reprisal to …

  • Ukraine asks international partners to ban Russian ships from entering certain ports

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, speaking on the Ukrainian TV, announced that Ukraine and its international partners are discussing the possibility of prohibiting Russian vessels from entering some ports.

    “One of the ideas we are talking about is not to allow Russian ships that go from the Azov or the Black Sea into some ports, or not to let in all the ships, as well as limit all the possible contacts in principle,” said Klimkin.

    He noted that Ukraine and its international partners …

  • Ukraine bans Russian men aged 16 to 60 from entering its territory

    During the period of martial law, Ukraine will not let Russian men aged 16 to 60 enter its territory. The exception will be special personal trips, such as going to a funeral, said the officials of the Ukrainian State Border Service during a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

    The Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Petro Tsyhykal stated that the Border Service has been put on Level One alert, border has been enhanced, and more security guards at the border with Russia …

  • Ukrainian President: cancellation of Trump’s meeting with Putin shows Putin's isolation

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that the cancellation of the meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin shows Putin's absolute isolation.

     “I have already seen President Trump’s reaction. He tweeted that he has made a decision – if Putin does not respond to the request to release the Ukrainian sailors, he will have to cancel their meeting. I believe this reaction shows that Putin is entirely isolated. After the chemical attack in the UK, after the …

  • Kremlin hints at possibility of invading Ukraine

    At a briefing in Moscow, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova indicated that there is the possibility of occupying those regions of Ukraine where Russian diplomatic institutions are located.

    Zakharova, in response to the question of whether it’s possible, considering the constant protests at Russian diplomatic missions in Ukraine, to move the diplomatic consulates from Kyiv and Lviv to the separatist-held territories of the Donbas, stated: “Regarding what you asked, …