Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia transferred detained Ukrainian sailors to Moscow

    21 of 24 Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia are in a detention center in Moscow, said the lawyer of the Ukrainians Ayder Azamatov on Pryamoy TV channel.

     “At the moment, 21 out of 24 sailors are in Lefortovo Prison,” he said.

    The lawyer said that three more injured Ukrainian soldiers are in Moscow. However, their exact location is unknown.

    The defense attorneys claim that they do not refuse to assist the Ukrainian sailors and are ready to travel to Moscow for a meeting.

    Vice-Speaker of …

  • European Court of Human Rights demands that Russia explain why it detained Ukrainian sailors

    The press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice reported that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has requested  that Russia provide information regarding the 24 Ukrainian sailors who were captured on November 25 when Russian border patrol ships attacked and seized two Ukrainian Navy vessels and a tugboat in the Kerch Strait.

    One of the court’s main requirements is for Russia to explain why Ukrainian soldiers were detained in the territorial waters of the Crimea and on what legal …

  • Newly elected president of Georgia: this is not the time to be friends with Russia

    The newly elected president of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili stated that she had never talked about cooperation with Russia, reported BBC.

    “This is not a balance. I know that it was mistakenly said about me that I want balance… this is also fake news because I never talked about cooperation with Russia” she said.

    According to her, in the near future Georgia would not be able to move to cooperation with Russia.

    “I think that as long as Russia behaves like this on the occupation line, where …

  • Merkel says sanctions against Russia are necessary

    Germany does not intend to soften sanctions against Russia even though German businesses would like to see the relations with Russia improve, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin on Thursday.

    Although the German business circles often call for softening the sanctions, “this is about principles”, Merkel said.

     “There are a number of states around Russia that were not able to develop as they would like to. We cannot shut our eyes to this. We can explain something with sanctions,” she …

  • Kerch crisis: Visegrad Four support Ukraine

    The foreign ministers of the countries comprising the Visegrad Four – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, have expressed their support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by condemning the situation surrounding the Kerch crisis, Radio Liberty reports.

    According to the Slovak Foreign Ministry, during the discussion of the problem, “the strong support of all four ministers of the four countries was voiced for the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the dispute …

  • Kremlin: Putin is ready for new contacts with Trump

    The Kremlin regrets the decision of the US administration to cancel the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump at the G20 summit, the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov told reporters, TASS reported.

    “We regret the decision of the US administration to cancel the meeting between the two presidents to be held in Buenos Aires,” he said. Peskov said that this situation postponed the discussion of serious international and bilateral issues “ …

  • Russia deploys fourth division of S-400 missile systems in Crimea

    Russia has deployed the fourth division of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems in the Crimea. It has assumed combat duty in Dzhankoy, in the north of the peninsula, writes TASS with reference to the press service of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

    "Today, in Dzhankoy, combat teams of the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems  from the air defense unit of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Southern Military District have assumed combat duty on the Crimea’s air defense," …

  • Ukrainian President calls on NATO to send military ships to Sea of Azov

    In an interview with the German newspaper Bild, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has urged the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to send military ships to the Sea of Azov, after an attack by Russia on Ukrainian sailors in the Kerch Strait.

    The Ukrainian President emphasized that the presence of NATO ships is necessary to guarantee safety in the Sea of Azov.

    “Germany is one of our closest allies, and we hope that NATO states are prepared to send ships to the Sea of Azov in order to …

  • Media: Explosions reported in the sky near Russian airbase in Syria

    Telegram channel Directorate 4 reported, citing the Syrian media, that there were explosions in the sky over the city of Jableh, where the Russian Khmeimim airbase is located.

    According to preliminary data, air defense systems located in the base fired two rockets on militant drones.

    The last drone attack on the Russian military base in Khmeimim was reported in September. At that time two anti-aircraft systems destroyed two militant drones.

    At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin …

  • Putin calls on the US to negotiate with him and lift sanctions

    TASS news agency reports that the Russian President Vladimir Putin during a plenary session of the investment forum "Russia calling !" organized by the VTB Capital group, stated that it is necessary to abandon the policy of unilateral sanctions and look for what Russia and the US can agree on.

    “What advice can be offered here? To abandon this policy [of sanctions] and seek common ground. We are ready for that; we want that. I said this more than once. I hope that, if we can talk with the US …