Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian President: Putin ignores request for telephone conversation about Kerch crisis

    In an interview with France 24, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet responded to his request to have a telephone conversation about the crisis at the Sea of Azov. Poroshenko, reports the presidential press service.

    The President of Ukraine stressed that when the attack on the Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait occurred, he instructed his officials to contact the President of Russia, Putin.

    “Unfortunately, so far Putin has not responded …

  • Kremlin: Russia is 'protecting' Europe from aggression

    Maria Zakharova, official spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on Facebook that Russia is “protecting Europe from aggression”.

    “After Poroshenko said that Russia supposedly intends to capture Mariupol and Berdyansk, one can paraphrase his utterance with certainty: it is Russia that is protecting Europe from the barbarism, tyranny, terrorism, aggression and militarism that loom over our entire continent,” Zakharova wrote.

    At the same time, in an interview for the program “Moscow. …

  • Media: sanctions force Russian oligarchs to sell their yachts

    Russian billionaire oligarchs Alexander Mamut and Vasily Anisimov, the 42nd and 68th richest Russian citizens according to Forbes are hurrying to sell their yachts, reported Russian news agency Primechaniya.

    Mamut sold his elite yacht Kibo for 129 million dollars. The new owner whose name is unknown rechristened the yacht Grace. It is now sailing in the Gibraltar. The vessel was originally built in a German shipyard in 2014. Among its luxurious furnishings is a table covered with leather made …

  • Kyiv considers restricting access of Russian ships to Ukrainian ports

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Ukraine considers the possibility of several actions after Russian border guards detained three Ukrainian ships  in the Kerch Strait. According to Klimkin, Ukraine may close a number of Ukrainian ports for Russian vessels.

    "One of the steps that we are talking about is to prevent all Russian ships that are coming from the Azov or Black Sea from entering certain ports, or to block the entrance to some vessels. And to restrict all possible …

  • Polish Foreign Minister: Russia remains ‘a very dangerous partner’

    Polish Foreign Minister, Jacek Czaputowicz, stated that the recent incident in the Kerch Strait shows that "to protect its infrastructure, Russia may resort to the use of force," reports Polskie Radio.

    According to the Polish Foreign Minister, the Kerch conflict was an important signal to the international community that Moscow remains "a very dangerous partner." He added that Warsaw will call for a “decisive reaction to Russian aggression”, in particular at the level of the European Union, …

  • Polish Foreign Minister: After Russia’s aggression in Kerch strait there is a chance to stop Nord Stream 2

    At the press conference with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Pavlo Klimkin, in Kyiv, Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz called for exerting pressure on countries that support the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project after Russia's aggression against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait.

    He noted that the international community’s position is divided. On the one hand, the European Commission, the United States, Poland and other countries believe that Nord Stream 2 should fall under the European …

  • Russia asks Ukraine to cancel the ban on entry for men

    Adviser to the Russian President and Chairman of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights Mikhail Fedotov appealed to the Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine, Lyudmyla Denisova, asking to influence the Ukrainian authorities to cancel the ban on entry for men aged 16 to 60 with Russian passports, Interfax reports.

    “I ask you, dear Lyudmyla Leontiivna, to use your authority as the main protector of human rights in Ukraine to reconsider this ban,” Fedotov said in his …

  • Kremlin: Putin explained attack on Ukrainian ships to Merkel and Macron

    During a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his German and French colleagues Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron a detailed explanation about the incident in the Kerch Strait, reported  Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, as cited by Interfax.

    “The president gave comprehensive explanations about the Black Sea border incident [at the meeting with Merkel], and demonstrated it clearly. He also demonstrated it clearly yesterday, at the meeting with …

  • Ukraine calls up reservists

    The press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense  stated that starting Monday, December 3rd, large-scale call-up of reservists and those liable for military duty will begin.

    “In part, reservists will be called to duty for up to 15 days to command units and up to 20 days to training centers. Therefore, it is assumed that all the events will be completed before the beginning of the New Year holidays,” noted the Ministry.

    “However, mobilization will only be carried out in the case of open …

  • Putin expects demilitarized zone in Idlib to be established soon

    At a press conference at the G20 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters that he expects the demilitarized zones in Idlib to be established shortly.

    “The situation in Idlib also worries us, we see that for now, our Turkish partners are having a hard time, but the truth is, they are trying. We see that they are working at establishing a demilitarized zone, but we hope that our intelligence services and the Ministry of Defense will solve this issue soon,” said the Russian …