Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine calls on Macedonia to impose sanctions against Russia

    Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration called on Macedonia to impose sanctions against Russia, during her meeting with Prime Minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev as part of her working visit to Croatia, reported the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers’ press service.

    "Russia has not shown any progress in the implementation of the PACE resolutions regarding Russian military aggression against Ukraine. Its recent provocations in the Azov Sea, fake …

  • Russian oligarchs fleeing to London at record rate

    The UK remains the favorite “end point” for the money of wealthy Russians, who are buying residential and commercial property in the British capital, reports.

    In the third quarter, the demand from ethnic Russians for property in London spiked to a record high due to growing tension between Russia and the West.

    According to Knight Frank, one in every five houses in London costing more than £10 million was purchased by Russian citizens. In 2016, Russians accounted for only 6% of such …

  • Putin tells Russian military to prepare for arms race with US

    Russian President Vladimir Putin had recently  a series of meetings in Sochi with the heads of the Defense Ministry and other departments, as well as the leading enterprises of the defense industry complex. Together, they discussed ways to improve the combat capabilities of Russian troops in light of the US’s plans to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty – a critical agreement which brought an end to the Cold War and stopped Washington from keeping nuclear missiles aimed …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO intends to increase its presence in the Black Sea

    NATO countries will soon take steps in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait. One of the elements of the response is strengthening the presence of the Alliance in the Black Sea, stated Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin.

    "NATO should strengthen its presence in the Black Sea region. How they do it is the issue of further negotiations and you will hear about some of them soon. The important thing is the presence of the NATO ships. This will be done very …

  • Russia rejects U.S. demands regarding Intermediate and Shorter-Range Missiles Treaty

    The United States will suspend its obligations under the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles Treaty if the Russian Federation does not return to full compliance with the agreement within sixty days. In response to this, the Russian authorities stated that Russia did not violate the INF Treaty conditions, reports Interfax.

    The head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Vladimir Shamanov, said that Russia would not respond to the "allegations made by the United States."

    " …

  • Kremlin: Putin told Trump about the attack on Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait

    Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov said that the conversation between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G 20 summit lasted 10-15 minutes. During the conversation, Vladimir Putin stated his version of the situation in the Kerch Strait, reported RIA Novosti.

    Ushakov said that the conversation took place during the reception. “During the reception, Trump went up to our president, and they had a conversation. Our president has already told the media about it. …

  • Klimkin: all NATO member countries working to free Ukrainian sailors

    During the NATO summit in Brussels, among other topics, the priority was to discuss the realease of the Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia in the Kerch Strait region on November 25.

     “We will get back the ships, but for our sailors every hour in captivity is critical. Our allies, without exception, starting with the head of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, have already joined the process of their liberation,” wrote the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Pavlo Klimkin, on his Facebook page, after a …

  • Ukraine calls on OSCE to start monitoring the Sea of Azov

    During the talks in Minsk, Ukraine called on the OSCE to start monitoring the Sea of Azov, stated Iryna Herashchenko, the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of negotiations in Minsk.

    "The Ukrainian side condemned the open armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Sea of Azov and called on the OSCE SMM, whose mandate covers the entire territory of Ukraine, to immediately begin enhanced monitoring of the Azov Sea and adjacent territories, which according to the Minsk …

  • Yanukovych wants to leave for treatment in Israel

    Aleksandr Goroshinsky, the lawyer of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said that the former president might leave the country to receive treatment in Israel.

    Goroshinsky is in Moscow, where he arrived to discuss the court hearing with Yanukovych, however, he failed to meet with his client. Instead, the lawyer met with the surgeon who came to inspect the trauma sustained by the Ukrainian ex-president.

    According to Goroshinsky, Yanukovych’s defense lawyers contacted a clinic at the …

  • Ukrainian State Border Service: all ships are at sea and combat ready

    Chairman of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service Petro Tsyhykal stated on the television channel UATV,  that all ships and boats of the State Border Service of Ukraine are combat ready.

    “Virtually the entire crew is at sea today,” states the State Border Service website, quoting Tsyhykal.

    Tsyhykal noted that from December 1st, the border guards are part of the staff of the Maritime Security Administration. Also, he stated that a regional maritime office had been created.

    Starting …