Strengthening alliances: Russian Security Chief Shoygu meets Kim Jong Un in North Korea

Sergei Shoygu, Russia's Security Council Secretary, visited North Korea and had a meeting with the nation’s leader, Kim Jong Un, according to a report on the official website of the Security Council of Russia.

“On September 13, a delegation led by Sergey K. Shoygu, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, was in Pyongyang. As part of the ongoing strategic dialogue between our countries, there were detailed exchanges of views with Korean colleagues on a wide range of bilateral and international issues,” the report stated.

It emphasized that the meeting took place in alignment with the agreements reached by Putin during his visit to North Korea and would make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty signed between North Korea and Russia.

Additionally, North Korean news agency KCNA published photos on September 13, capturing Kim Jong Un’s visit to a uranium enrichment plant for nuclear weapons, photos of which hadn't been previously available. The North Korean leader declared the necessity to increase the number of centrifuges at the plant.

  Shoygu, North Korea, Kim Jong-un
