Contents tagged with Putin

  • Russia denied reports about Putin and Trump meeting in Iceland

    The press secretary for the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, assured Radio Liberty that there have been discussions about arranging a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in Iceland.

    "So far there are no talks about the meeting there," Peskov said in his commentary to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency. According to media reports, the Russian Embassy in the UK has called such messages "nonsense" and "a Briton’s attempt to undermine the …

  • McCain: Russia carried out cyber-attacks due to U.S. leniency on Russia's aggressive foreign policy

    The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Republican John McCain at a Committee hearing dedicated to cyber threats for the United States, mainly from Russia said that “the United State’s leniency on the Russian Federation’s aggressive foreign policy is what prompted the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to order cyber-attacks, intending to intervene in the presidential elections.

    "We should not be surprised that Vladimir Putin could have thought that he would be able to carry …

  • Putin orders government agencies to submit list of 'foreign agent' NGOs by March

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed his administration, the Justice Ministry, and other state organizations to submit a list of non-governmental organizations that are classified as foreign agents by March 30th, 2017, TASS reported.

    In 2012, the Russian State Duma adopted a law requiring all nongovernmental organizations engaged in political activity that receive funding from abroad to register as “foreign agents” with the Ministry of Justice, a designation that severely hinders an …

  • CIA Director accuses Russia of having a 'scorched earth policy' in Syria

    CIA Director John Brennan accused Russia of having a “scorched earth policy” in Syria, which had led to the death of thousands of civilians.

    Speaking in an interview with PBS, Brennan said, “What the Russians have done in Syria in terms of some of the scorched-earth policy that they have pursued that have led to devastation and thousands upon thousands of innocent deaths, that’s not something that the United States would ever do in any of these military conflicts.”

    When asked if the CIA …

  • Polish Foreign Ministry expressed protest over previously unknown recordings from Kaczynski crash

    The Polish Foreign Ministry demanded that Russia turn over their allegedly previously unknown recordings from the cockpit of the Polish President’s plane that crashed near Smolensk. The relevant note was sent to the diplomatic agency of the Russian Federation, Ekho Moskvii reports. The Foreign Ministry reiterated the request to hand over the debris of aircraft as well.

    The request for recordings relates to a speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin from the press conference on December 23. …

  • Putin agrees with Defense Ministry's proposal to reduce Russian military presence in Syria

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with the Defense Ministry’s proposal to reduce the military presence in Syria, TASS reported.

    At a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Putin said, "I agree with the Defense Ministry’s idea to cut our military presence in the Syrian Republic.”

    Putin added that Russia will, "unconditionally continue the struggle against international terrorism and furnish support for the legitimate Syrian government in its …

  • Putin congratulates Assad over Aleppo

    Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the Syrian government’s victory in Aleppo, as stated by the Kremlin’s press service on Friday.

    "This success was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of all those who rallied in the fight against international terrorism in Syria," the press release stated.

    "Vladimir Putin emphasized that at the moment, the main task is to focus on issues relating to the promotion of the peaceful settlement, in particular, …

  • Kremlin spokesman claims that Putin still sees the collapse of the USSR as a catastrophe

    The Russian President’s Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said in an interview with Mir TV that Russian President Vladimir Putin still believes that the collapse of the USSR is a catastrophe for people living in its territory but that it is impossible to talk about reversing the process.

    “Nothing has been changed. Putin still believes that it was a catastrophe for those people that lived under the roof of one Union state. It was a catastrophe that significantly took us backwards in our …

  • Putin: Sanctions hinder the fight against terrorism

    Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at a meeting with representatives from both chambers of the Russian parliament that “the economic and political constraints divide the countries and do not allow them to join forces in the fight against terrorism”, RIA Novosti reported.

    "All restrictions in the economic sphere, in the political sphere - they divide the states and do not allow them to join forces in the fight against the common evil — terrorism. We are taking hits because of this — both …

  • Putin: Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country is stronger than any potential aggressor, while at the same time warning that the military should not let its guard down, Interfax reported.

    "There is still much work to be done, but taking into account our achievements, not only military ones, but also our history, geography, the state of the Russian society - we can say with confidence that at present we are stronger than any potential aggressor," Putin stated while addressing the Russian …