Contents tagged with Putin

  • Media: Poroshenko and Putin continue communication

    Despite the tough political situation between Russia and Ukraine, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko have maintained continuous contact, according to the newspaper Kommersant.

    Citing sources in Kyiv and Moscow Kommersant reported that the two leaders have spoken on the phone four times since the beginning of the year.

    The penultimate call was on February 11, the day after the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, visited Moscow. The most recent conversation took place on February 21, …

  • Putin: Moscow will not support sanctions against Syrian authorities

    On the 28th of February, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, stated that Moscow will not support new sanctions against Syrian authorities in the UN Security Council. There is a proposal before the Council to impose sanctions due to their use of chemical weapons.

    As the President stated during his visit to Bishkek, such sanctions are unacceptable for Russia because, according to Vladimir Putin, they will hinder negotiations in an attempt to put an end to the long-running …

  • Edrogan to discuss supply of S-400 with Putin

    Press Secretary for the President of Turkey Ibrahim Kalin announced the meeting topics for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan when he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, set to take place in the beginning of March.

    During the meeting the leaders will discuss the numbers and supply of the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, according to him.

    “Negotiations are currently ongoing for the S-400, to solve many technical aspects. The administration and the president are closely following the …

  • Yanukovych insists that he did not ask Putin to send troops to Ukraine

    Former President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych stated that he did not write to Vladimir Putin requesting that Russian troops be sent to the territory of Ukraine.

    “I did not ask for Russian troops in Ukraine. That’s not true,” Yanukovych was quoted as saying by Russian news agency TASS. According to him, he did not write a letter to Putin; it was a “declaration” intended to “protect the people of the Donbas.” Yanukovych added that he did not betray his people; he simply tried to protect them …

  • Media: The Kremlin decided to turn the election into a referendum on confidence in Putin

    Instead of holding a presidential election in 2018, Russia wants to hold a referendum on the Russian people’s confidence in Vladimir Putin.

    As reported by Dozhd TV Channel, the Kremlin is making plans for special procedures for the presidential election of 2018.

    “We expect a referendum on confidence in the national leader”…As was reported earlier by Dozhd, the presidential administration does not see any point in making an effort to choose opponents for Putin who have shown an interest in the …

  • Putin has not confirmed his participation in the next Russian election

    RBC news agency reports that, according to Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far refrained from saying whether he will participate in the presidential elections in 2018.

    "President Putin himself has repeatedly said that it is premature to make any electoral statements. He has not made any statements yet," Peskov said. "There is still enough time before the start of the election campaign; there is another agenda for now."

    Earlier, a federal official …

  • Media: Russian diplomats have constructed psychological profile of Trump for Putin

    Former diplomats and Kremlin employees have constructed a psychological profile of the U.S. President, Donald Trump, for the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, as stated by the former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Andrei Fedorov, in an interview with NBC News. The document consists of seven pages and it is designed to help Vladimir Putin in preparations for his first meeting with Trump.

    “The very serious, preparatory work being done by the Kremlin includes a seven page …

  • Poroshenko: Putin is creating an 'Aleppo' in the Donbas

    In an interview with the newspaper Bild, President Petro Poroshenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of creating of a Ukrainian ‘Aleppo’ in the Donbas, where Poroshenko claims separatists are deliberately attacking civilians.

    "The situation in some parts of eastern Ukraine is dramatic. We have clear evidence that civilians are deliberately being attacked. Putin is creating a Ukrainian Aleppo there," he said.

    According to him, Ukraine has tried many agreements, but Moscow does not …

  • Putin: NATO is seeking confrontation with Russia

    Speaking at the board meeting of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, stated that Western countries are constantly trying to drag and provoke Russia into confrontation, as reported by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    Putin pointed out that in July 2016 at NATO Summit in Warsaw, for the first time since 1989, Russia was recognized as a main threat to security of NATO and the deterrence of the Russian Federation has become a new mission of …

  • Peskov denies contacts between Russian intelligence and Trump campaign team

    The Press Secretary for the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Vladimir Putin didn’t discuss the Crimean issue during a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump, RIA Novosti reported. “No, the Crimean issue wasn’t raised,” Peskov told journalists in response to the question.

    “We have said everything we want to say about the results of the telephone conversation that you mentioned,” the Press Secretary added. “As for the return of the Crimea, this …