• Ukraine promises to ‘never supply’ water to Crimea

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Kyiv will never deliver water to the territory of Crimea, despite the air pollution situation in the north of the peninsula, reports UNIAN.

    In his opinion, Russia is trying to use the harmful substances release situation at the Crimean Titan plant in order to "promote" the issue of water supply to the region. "However, we must avoid looking into this issue presented in such a humanitarian wrapper rather than from the point of view of …

  • Lavrov: Russia is ready to seek a way out of impasse in relations with the U.S.

    Moscow is ready to do everything in its power to find a way out of the deadend in Russian-American relations, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

    He also noted that Russia is taking President Trump’s willingness to establish a normal dialogue seriously, although anti-Russian sentiments in the American establishment hinders it.

    "We are ready to go our part of the way to bring the bilateral ties out of the impasse situation," Lavrov said in an interview with Germany’s DPA news agency …

  • Ukraine reinforces its Azov and Black Sea border guards with Special Forces

    Ukrainian border guards working in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas will be reinforced with Naval Special Forces, said Head of the State Border Service of Ykraine (SBSU) Petro Tsyhykal, reported the press service of the SBSU.

    Tsyhykal explained that apart from law enforcement responsibilities, the Border Service’s task is to strengthen efforts in the east of the country in response to Russia’s actions, including in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas.

    “I think we will have about a …

  • US promises to support decision to give Ukrainian church autocephaly

    The US will support the decision to grant the Ukrainian church autocephaly, said US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback at a meeting in Kyiv with Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andriy Parubiy.

    “At the stage of deciding whether to grant the Ukrainian Orthodox Church a Tomos of autocephaly, we will not interfere. But when such a decision has been made, we will support it,” the diplomat promised.

    Andriy Parubiy pointed out that the matter of creating an independent …

  • UN: Since 2015 12,000 Crimeans have been conscripted to the Russian army

    Since 2015, Russia has called into its Armed Forces approximately 12 thousand people, living in the annexed Crimea, said the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Fiona Frazer while presenting the second report of the Mission on the human rights situation in the Crimea.

    According to Frazer, Russia also prosecutes Crimeans who do not want to serve in the Russian army. As stated in the report, the draft campaign is becoming more aggressive: in 2015, 500 men were called up, …