• Germany calls on Russia to influence Assad

    On Friday, September 14th, at a press conference following talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Berlin, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called on Russia to stop Bashar Assad from conducting a large-scale military operation in the Syrian province of Idlib.

    “The situation in Idlib is so sensitive that we want to do everything possible to prevent a large-scale attack, to avoid thousands of casualties among the civilian population,” said the German foreign minister. He also …

  • Merkel speaks against easing Russian sanctions

    At a meeting with the heads of governments of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in Vilnius, the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel opposed mitigation of sanctions against Russia.

     While there is no significant progress in implementing the Minsk agreements, we cannot talk about lifting sanctions, Merkel said.

     According to the head of the German government, “there is no significant progress in the Minsk process.” “Peace and restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine are very …

  • Malaysia complains about problems with Russian Su-30 fighters

    Malaysia, which has purchased Russian Su-30MKM fighters for its Royal Air Force, is complaining of a number of issues that have emerged with the planes. For example, the aircraft are difficult to service, and it is more difficult to send them to Russia for servicing than it would be for aircraft purchased from the US. With Russia, cooperation between manufacturer and client has been hampered by bureaucratic delays, a high-ranking official familiar with the situation in the Royal Malaysian Air …

  • Ukraine promises to ‘never supply’ water to Crimea

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Kyiv will never deliver water to the territory of Crimea, despite the air pollution situation in the north of the peninsula, reports UNIAN.

    In his opinion, Russia is trying to use the harmful substances release situation at the Crimean Titan plant in order to "promote" the issue of water supply to the region. "However, we must avoid looking into this issue presented in such a humanitarian wrapper rather than from the point of view of …

  • Lavrov: Russia is ready to seek a way out of impasse in relations with the U.S.

    Moscow is ready to do everything in its power to find a way out of the deadend in Russian-American relations, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

    He also noted that Russia is taking President Trump’s willingness to establish a normal dialogue seriously, although anti-Russian sentiments in the American establishment hinders it.

    "We are ready to go our part of the way to bring the bilateral ties out of the impasse situation," Lavrov said in an interview with Germany’s DPA news agency …