• US disallows Russia to use new Tu-214 for Open Skies observation flights

    The US government has decided not to allow Russia’s new Tu-214ON reconnaissance aircraft to make observation flights in accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies. This was reported by Sergey Ryzhkov, head of Russia’s National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda, the official newspaper of Russia’s Defense Ministry.

    According to Ryzhkov, at the Kubinka airfield in the Moscow province, the new aircraft was subjected to international examination of the course of ten …

  • Berlin calls on Moscow to stop attacks on Idlib

    Berlin called on Moscow and Tehran to stop the planned attack on the Syrian government troops in the province of Idlib. “Russia and Iran have a special responsibility,” stated the official representative of the German government Steffen Seibert on Wednesday, September 12th. According to him, Moscow has enough influence on the Syrian government to prevent the catastrophe.

    “The chances of a truce depend on Russia,” he indicated. A meeting of the foreign ministers of Germany, Heiko Mass and …

  • Japan rejects Putin’s peace treaty proposal

    Japan has rejected the proposition of Vladimir Putin to sign a peace treaty without preliminary conditions.

    Putin made the proposition on Wednesday at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

    Tokyo’s position remains unchanged: the document cannot be signed until the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan is settled.

    “We will persistently continue to hold negotiations on the basis of the previous course: first deal with the problems, with the return of the ‘northern territories’, and …

  • Russia intends to prohibit its military from posting on social networks

    The Russian government submitted the bill to the State Duma prohibiting Russian military from posting on the internet any data about themselves or their colleagues. The ban will be implemented through additional amendments to the law "On the status of military personnel".

    The amendments state that military personnel will be prohibited from posting photos, video, geotags on the social networks as well as other data that can reveal information about the nature of their service, the activities of …

  • Kyiv: toxic emissions at Crimean Titan plant caused by industrial accident

    An industrial accident took place at the Titan Investments (“Crimean Titan”) plant in the annexed Crimea, said Kherson Governor Andriy Hordeev at a press conference.

    “According to information acquired by our intelligence, they had an industrial accident. What caused it is yet to come out. The fact that they concealed it from citizens is true. As far as we know, they are urgently filling in that acid storage facility with phosphate gypsum and lime in order to quell the reaction of the sulfuric …