Poroshenko calls on Russia to withdraw its forces from the Donbas

Speaking at the forum of Ukraine and Belarus regions in Gomel, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called on Russia to withdraw its troops from the Donbas.  

“It was in Minsk, where the document was agreed and signed. It will be a part of the history of diplomacy in times to come. What are these agreements called? Minsk Agreements. Then the Minsk Agreements were included in the documents of the UN Security Council. In what form did they appear there? As Minsk Agreements. And what does the world demand? Implementation of the Minsk Agreements," Poroshenko said.

He emphasized that the main part of the Minsk Agreements requires withdrawal of the Russian troops from the Donbas. “It’s very simple. We ask you, remove your troops, Russia, from our territory.” The President said that afterwards, a political solution would be made by conducting the real local elections.

Earlier during the forum, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko offered to help find a peaceful settlement of the Donbas conflict.

  Poroshenko, Ukraine, Russia, Donbas
