Former separatist leader criticizes Russia's nationalization of industry in the Donbas

The former leader of separatists in eastern Ukraine, Alexander Borodai, who led the separatists in the Donbas region at the beginning of the war and now heads Russia's "Union of Volunteers of Donbas", was interviewed by the Russian Free Press portal. During his interview he criticized the idea of the nationalization of Ukrainian businesses in the Donbas region. He has also recognized that the separatist republic exists thanks to the Ukrainian oligarchs and also said that Russia does not need the goods produced in the Donbas .

In response to the question whether it is possible to implement socialism in the Donbas, Borodai said: "The economy in the Donbas, whether we like it or not, is a capitalist economy and it cannot be otherwise. There was never any socialism and there never will be. And those who are trying to promote the socialist idea anywhere else, including the Donbas region, in my opinion, are idiots. And those who promote these ideas in the Donbas are harmful idiots. The idea to print money in the Donbas region was inspired by those that hold communist and socialist idiotic views…This idea is still alive in the minds of some crooks and idiots. And, first of all, they are crooks. They want to print the paper currency and to exchange it for the money, which has real value.”

The former leader of the separatists also said that he considers that it is not right to fight against the oligarchs in the Donbas region and stressed that thanks to them the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LPR(Luhansk People's Republic) exist today.

“I really like the eternal struggle with the oligarchs. Yeah, I'm not very fond of the oligarchs myself. But what can you do against reality? In the Donbas region, big business and big industry had existed and still exists to this day. And the products that it produces are not needed in the Donbas region. In Russia, frankly, it’s also not really needed. In Russia they have their own industry; it is the same. Where can these products be sold? It is all export. It can be sold only in the capitalist world. How do you do it without those people who marked themselves as the rightful owners of these enterprises,” the separatist said.

In addition, Borodai hinted that Russia may soon also implement the Ukrainian scenario in northern Kazakhstan. So, the question of whether the events of the "Russian spring" can be repeated in Kazakhstan and whether Borodai will take part in it, he replied:

"You understand that I have to be very diplomatic when answering such questions. I represent not only myself, but the "Union of Volunteers of Donbas." The organization I lead is a mobilized reserve of Russian people. Nobody knows where the Russians will need help?

  Ukraine, Russia, Donbas
