• Media: pro-Russian group is formed in PACE

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) intends to create a group which will be joined by MPs who support Russia and Azerbaijan. The notorious Thierry Mariani is supposed to become the group’s secretary.

    This was discovered by a correspondent for Evropeyskaya Pravda who possesses copies of the group formation documents.

    The political group by the name of Free Democrats was meant to be created in June already, but its creation was blocked due to the organizers’ mistakes: …

  • Head of Security Service of Ukraine: Purpose of cyber attack was to destabilize the situation inside Ukraine

    Ukrainian law enforcement agencies together with international experts continue to look into the circumstances of a powerful cyber attack against Ukrainian private and state institutions on June 27th, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    “Today, our experts, in cooperation with experts from the United States, the United Kingdom and Microsoft, are working together to establish the circumstances of this cyber-attack,” said the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasyl Hrytsak on Tuesday at the …

  • Ukrainian military commander: Foreign volunteers want to join Georgian Legion in eastern Ukraine

    An international unit will soon be formed at the Georgian National Legion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces which is taking part in the military operation in the Donbas, said Mamuka Mamulashvili, the commander of the Georgian National Legion, in the broadcast of Obozrevatel.LIVE TV program.

    “We recently announced the enrollment of volunteers in the Georgian Legion. This is already an international legion, so to speak. American specialists and military analysts agreed to distribute information …

  • Ukrainian police confiscates company’s servers which spread the Petya virus

    On Tuesday the Ukrainian police confiscated the servers of the Ukrainian software company M.E.DOC in connection with the investigation of the cyber-attack which took place last week, Serhiy Demedyuk, head of Ukraine’s Cyber Police, told Reuters.

    According to Ukrainian officials and computer security specialists, the original source of the Petya ransomware was program updates issued by M.E.DOC. The company is the developer of the most popular tax administration software in Ukraine.

    M.E.DOC …

  • Media: Land market launch in Ukraine to be removed from IMF memorandum

    The point on the necessity of launching a land market will not be an obligatory condition for the allocation of the next tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Ukraine, AgroPortal reported with reference to a source close to the negotiations in the US.

    “President Petro Poroshenko asked for the matter of launching a land market to be removed from the agenda, and Christine Lagarde agreed,” the source reported.

    According to the source, the point on the necessity of launching a …