• The US has not yet decided whether to provide weapons to Ukraine

    The United States has not decided on whether to provide weapons Ukraine to yet, though Washington is aware of Kyiv’s requests, as relayed to journalists by a representative of the State Department on Wednesday during a teleconference briefing.

    "The US has not decided on supplying weapons to Ukraine yet," he said. At the same time, the US representative did not specify which weaponry is in question - defensive or lethal.

    "The talks [with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko], which took place …

  • Merkel on the G20 summit: There will be no decisions on Ukraine without Kyiv

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the press service of the Ukrainian leader said.

    They discussed the situation in the Donbas and coordinated their positions regarding the implementation of the Minsk Agreements in preparations for the G20 summit in Hamburg and, in particular, the meeting between Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    "Angela Merkel assured Petro Poroshenko that …

  • Media: IMF ready to close eyes to land reform in Ukraine

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is ready to leave the adoption of pension reform as the main condition for the allocation of the next tranche of the loan to Ukraine. This means that the adoption of land reform will be excluded from the requirements, reported by Interfax-Ukraine, citing a source that is close to the negotiations.

    According to the news agency, the IMF made this decision in view of the fact that there is no agreement between the Fund and the Ukrainian government with regard …

  • NATO provided Ukraine with equipment to strengthen cybersecurity

    The head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Hrytsak, states that as part of the Ukraine-NATO trust fund for cyber security, Ukraine has received technical equipment and software worth a million euros.

    According to him, in the near future this equipment will be installed "as directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs".

    The Deputy Secretary General of NATO for new security challenges, Sorin Ducaru, said that training will be provided for Ukrainian experts, as well as technical support …

  • Since the beginning of the year, 70 Russian artists have been barred from entering Ukraine

    Since the beginning of the year, the State Border Guard Service has banned entry into Ukraine for 70 artists, including those who, bypassing Ukrainian legislation, visited the Russian-annexed Crimea, as indicated by a representative of the Ukrainian State Border Guard, Oleh Slobodyan, Krym.Realii reports. The Service specified that the list will be expanding.

    "We hope that we will have more information about certain artists. I remind you that we have a stop list on the website to which we have …