Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Ukrainian delegation achieved resignation of PACE president

    This week in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) the impossible happened. The Ukrainian delegation achieved the resignation of PACE President Pedro Agramunt, Evropeyskaya Pravda writes.

    It seemed like there was no chance of this: PACE lacks methods for dismissing the president. There was a small chance of stopping his re-election in January, but the assembly did not want to go against tradition, and kept Agramunt as its leader for the second consecutive year.

    On Monday …

  • Russia among the top three in military spending

    Russia was third in the world in military spending in 2016. This was reported by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

    Russia's expenditures on armaments were $69.2 billion, a 5.9% increase over the previous year. The United States remained in first place in terms of military spending; in 2016 its expenditures increased by 1.7% to $611 billion. China was second at $215 billion.

    The amount spent on arms globally increased by 0.4% to $1686 billion. Total military …

  • Banned Russian singer Samoylova will visit the Crimea again

    Russian singer Yuliya Samoylova, who is banned from entering Ukraine is scheduled to perform in the Crimea again. This information was confirmed by the singer’s press service in comments to Radio Liberty Project "Krym.Realiyi.”

    "Yes, she will perform in Sevastopol. At least, as of today it is confirmed. It is expected that Yuliya will sing two to three songs there," said the press service. Crimean media had earlier reported the probability of Samoylova performing in Sevastopol on May 9.

    On …

  • Association of Tour Operators of Russia: Vacations in the Crimea are expensive and uncompetitive

    The demand for Crimean vacations among Russians is declining due to competition with Turkey and the Krasnodar Krai, as well as the costs which are exceeding the expectations of tourists. This conclusion was reached by experts at the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, Krym.Realii reported, citing Interfax.

    According to Russian travel companies, on average, prices for hotels in the Crimea increased by 10-15%.

    "When making calculations, we focused on the average amount spent on purchased …

  • Media finds colleague of Russian general responsible for transportation of the Buk missile system which brought down the MH17

    A Russian journalist managed to track down a person who claims that the voice which can be heard in the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) recordings about the Boeing belongs to Russian Colonel Sergey Dubinsky, who is believed to be responsible for the transfer of the Buk missile system which shot down the Boeing MH17.

    This is described in the research of Pavel Kanygin for Nova Gazeta.

    Sergey Tiunov, leader of Zaporizhia Self-Defense organization and war veteran in Afghanistan, recognized …

  • Turchynov blamed Russia for OSCE observer's death

    The Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, said that the military and political leadership of the Russian Federation are responsible for the death of an OSCE Special Monitoring Mission member (U.S. citizen) and the wounding of two representatives of the mission (citizens of Germany and the Czech Republic).

    "This explosion was a planned act of terror directed against the OSCE Mission to the Donbas. The military-political leadership of the …

  • Russia has allocated money for the celebration of the third anniversary of the DPR and LPR

    The Federal Directorate of Music and Festival Programs, Rosconcert commissioned a theatrical spectacle for the third anniversary of the creation of the separatist Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic.

    According to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, the event will be held on May 11 at the Regional Sports Complex Olimpiyskyi in Donetsk and on May 12 it will be held in Luhansk at the Theater Square.

    1.14 million rubles or about 20,000 USD is being allocated from the Russian …

  • Ukraine demands resignation of PACE head over his visit to Syria with Russian parliamentary delegation

    The Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) demanded the resignation of the President of the organization, Pedro Agramunt, over his recent trip to Syria, said deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Herashchenko.

    "The Chairman of the session said that, at the request of the delegates, there will be hearings where Agramunt will be prepared to answer questions. But the Ukrainian delegation demands changes in the regulations and the launch of impeachment …

  • Russia's Defense Ministry: Syria is ready to stop fighting in area of chemical attack

    The Syrian Armed Forces are ready to stop hostilities if a special mission of experts investigates the events of April 4th in Khan Sheikhoun. This was reported by RIA Novosti, referencing the Ministry of Defense of Russia as a source.

    “At the request of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the command of the Syrian Armed Forces expressed its readiness to cease hostilities in Khan Sheikhoun if a special mission of experts is sent there to investigate the events of April 4th. To ensure the safety …

  • Lawyers in the Crimea formed a working group to combat sanctions

    In the representation office of annexed Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation, lawyers established a working group that intends to seek the abolition of European and Western sanctions against the peninsula.

    This was stated by group’s chief on international legal issues in representation of the Crimea, Alexander Molokhov, RIA Novosti reported.

    He noted that Russian lawyers will work "in close contact with foreign [lawyers], as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the …