Contents tagged with Russia

  • Eurovision officials: Decision about sanctions against Russia and Ukraine has not been made

    Executive supervisor of Eurovision Jon Ola Sand confirmed that the decision on imposing sanctions against Ukraine and Russia was postponed until after the end of the song contest in Kyiv.

    “With regard to the imposing of sanctions against Ukraine and Russia, no decision has been made yet. This topic will be discussed only after the current Eurovision Song Contest has concluded. We are now focusing our attention on all of the countries participating in the competition to prepare three major …

  • Lithuania will build 45-kilometer wall on Russian border

    Authorities in Lithuania have decided to erect a wall about 45 km (28 mi) long on its border with Russia.

    This was reported on the website of the State Border Service of Lithuania.

    “In total, the sections to be built along the border of the Kaliningrad region of Russia will be 44.6 km long. They will be metal fences two meters high with segments of additional equipment...The construction will cost €1.3 million. The funds will be allocated from the state budget,” stated the report.

    According …

  • Russia has unblocked the supply of automobile LPG to Ukraine

    The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of the Russian Federation (FSTEC) issued positive news regarding the contracts for providing LPG produced by Rosneft to Ukraine, according to OilNews.

    “Rosneft received FSTEC's conclusions on this contract and the previously suspended supplies are being provided again," a source in Glusco Ukraine said.

    The supplier of Rosneft’s LPG to Ukraine is the Proton Energy Group SA, the recipients of the resource in Ukraine are Glusco Ukraine, OKKO, …

  • Kremlin: the US participation in the de-escalation zones in Syria is possible only with the permission of Assad’s government

    Russia's TASS news agency reported that the participation of the United States in monitoring the de-escalation zones in Syria will only be possible with the consent of Damascus, as stated by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

    "It is too early to talk about it, because, of course, all of this should be coordinated with the Syrian side, because Syria is a sovereign country, it has the leadership, so of course it is necessary to consult with them, to have their consent," he said, …

  • Putin imposed restrictions on rallies during the FIFA Confederations Cup and 2018 World Cup

    On Tuesday, May 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on strengthening security measures for the duration of the Confederations Cup in Russia under the auspices of FIFA and the World Cup next year. The corresponding document was published on Wednesday, May 10, on the official Internet portal of legal information.

    The decision will be effective from June 1 to July 12, 2017 and from May 25 to July 25, 2018.

    Where football events are concerned, Putin determined that “all assemblies, …

  • Russia denies execution of its soldier by ISIS in Syria

    The Russian Ministry of Defense refuted the claim that ISIS terrorists had captured and executed a Russian soldier in Syria, Interfax reports.

    “All military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces group in Syria are alive, healthy, and are carrying out tasks in the fight against international terrorism within their subdivisions,” the Russian Defense Ministry stated.

    The Russian Defense ministry condemned “the actions of the independent media, which regularly circulates the information output of …

  • Six senators advised Trump to meet with Poroshenko before talks with Putin

    Six U.S. senators advised U.S. President Donald Trump to first meet with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and only then with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, reports Voice of America.

    The letter, signed by John McCain, James Inhofe, Rob Portman, Bob Menendez, Jean Shaheen and Bob Casey, was sent amid reports that Trump and Putin are planning to hold their first in-person meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Germany in July.

    "Meeting with democratically elected representatives from …

  • Court in the Netherlands rules that Russia deliberately brought Yukos to bankruptcy

    A court in the Netherlands has ruled that Russia deliberately brought the oil company “Yukos” to bankruptcy by insisting that it pay large amounts of taxes.

    In 2004-2005, The Moscow Arbitration Court collected a total of more than 300 billion rubles of tax arrears for 2000-2004 from Yukos; in the summer of 2006, the oil company was declared bankrupt.

    As the Court of Appeals of Amsterdam decided, Dutch legislation does not allow for the recognition of the bankruptcy of the company Yukos in 2006 …

  • Russia shows Arctic air defense systems during military parade in Moscow

    Moscow showcased air defense systems capable of operating in sub-zero Arctic temperatures.

    The Arctic technology – the Tor-M2DT anti-aircraft missile system and the Pantsir-SA anti-aircraft missile and gun system, painted in white and gray – were showcased for the first time, Russian news agency TASS reported.

    The Tor-M2DT anti-aircraft missile system is an Arctic version of the Tor-M2 system. It is mounted on a DT-30 caterpillar conveyor and has a range of at least 15 kilometers of airspace …

  • President of Moldova was the only foreign leader to visit Moscow on Victory Day

    The only foreign leader to visit Moscow on Victory Day was Moldovan President Igor Dodon, Russian news website reported.

    He participated in the Victory Parade in Red Square. It was the first time in 15 years that the Moldovan President participated in events of May 9th in Moscow, the site reported.

    Not only that, it was the third time Igor Dodon visited Moscow since the beginning of this year.

    The official website of the Kremlin reported that a number of state …