Contents tagged with Russia

  • President of Moldova was the only foreign leader to visit Moscow on Victory Day

    The only foreign leader to visit Moscow on Victory Day was Moldovan President Igor Dodon, Russian news website reported.

    He participated in the Victory Parade in Red Square. It was the first time in 15 years that the Moldovan President participated in events of May 9th in Moscow, the site reported.

    Not only that, it was the third time Igor Dodon visited Moscow since the beginning of this year.

    The official website of the Kremlin reported that a number of state …

  • Russian citizen in Estonia sentenced to five years prison for espionage

    The Harju County Court in Estonia sentenced Artem Zinchenko, a Russian citizen residing in the Baltic republic, to five years of imprisonment on charges of espionage for Russia. This was reported by ERR news agency.

    According to the report, Zinchenko was found guilty of crimes against Estonia. According to the charges, Zinchenko was recruited by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces (formerly GRU) in 2009. Between 2013 and 2017, he allegedly …

  • Poland demands $6 million from Russia for use of buildings in Warsaw

    The District Court in Warsaw has ordered Russia to pay 9 million Polish zlotys ($2.3 million) for use of a building on Bobrowiecka Street in the Mokotów district, Polish web site of reported.

    The Treasury and City Hall made an accusation against Russia that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs used the building from 2009 to 2015 "without concluding a contract." As the newspaper notes, the defendant did not appear at the court session, which allowed the court, on the basis of the …

  • Baltic States agree to disconnect their power grids from Russia

    Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will connect their power grids to the European Union network through Poland, in order to reduce their dependence on Russia.

    Deutsche Welle reports that Estonian Prime Minister of Jüri Ratas announced this on Monday.

    "All four of us have agreed to clarify the distribution [responsibilities ] between the four countries [Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland] by the end of the year," said Ratas.

    During the connection, it will also be necessary to take into account …

  • Schoolboy in the city of Tomsk asked Russian Prime Minister Medvedev to show patriotism and resign from office

    In Tomsk, an eleventh-grader sent an open letter to the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and urged him to resign.

    Sergei Tchaikovsky is a pupil of the Russian classical gymnasium No. 2. His message was published on the website of the local TV channel "TV2.” In the letter, the young man referred to the film-investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. "He is not Dimon to you,” he said.

    "I'm 18 years old now. Although I'm quite young, believe me, I've seen much in my life except for …

  • State Department: The probability of a conflict between the U.S. and Russia in the Arctic is low

    The probability of a conflict between the United States and Russia in the Arctic remains low, according to the State Department, as reported by RIA Novosti, citing comments made at a briefing on the Arctic Council Ministerial on May 8, 2017, by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Fisheries for International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, David A. Balton.

    According to him, the threat of an armed conflict remains "low in the Arctic compared to many other places in the world." In …

  • Merkel told Poroshenko about the results of her meeting with Putin

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in the course of a telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko, discussed the outcome of her talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin that took place on May 2nd in Sochi, as stated on Poroshenko’s official website.

    According to the press service, Merkel and Poroshenko also discussed the situation in the Donbas, noting the priority to implement the security component of the Minsk Agreements.

    In addition, the heads of the states discussed …

  • Putin did not congratulate the Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia on Victory Day

    Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed congratulations to the presidents of several countries on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of victory in World War II but not to the leaders of Ukraine and Georgia.

    According to the press service of the Kremlin, Putin sent individual congratulations to the presidents of nine countries, as well as the leaders of the breakaway regions of Georgia: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. However, he did not congratulate Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and …

  • Putin visits his former KGB chief

    President Vladimir Putin visited and congratulated his former boss from the State Security Committee of the USSR (KGB), Lazar Matveyev, under whom Putin worked in Dresden in the Ministry of State Security of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in the second half of the 1980s, RIA Novosti reported.

    Putin personally went to visit Matveyev, who lives in the Zhulebino District of Moscow, and congratulated him on his 90th birthday.

    The president visited Matveyev with two of his former colleagues …

  • Media: warships from Russian Fleet which left Saint Petersburg because of US destroyer did not return to port, naval parade will not take place

    The ships of the Baltic Fleet which entered the Neva River on May 3 and left it three days later never returned, Fontanka news outlet reports. There will be no naval parade. The Victory parade in Saint Petersburg will involve only a show of equipment, aviation and personnel at the Palace Square.

    The dispatcher of the Port Saint Petersburg announced that the military command has not submitted a request for passage on the night of May 9. “No participation of ships in the parade on the Neva is …