Contents tagged with Russia

  • Turchynov: Russia is deploying forces to the border with Ukraine 'disguising them as peacekeepers'

    Russia began to deploy military forces to the Ukrainian border, which it is going to "disguise" as UN peacekeepers, as stated on Saturday by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr Turchynov.

    According to him, negotiations on the introduction of peacekeeping forces in the Donbas are very serious.

    "However all of Russia's attempts to "disguise" its forces as peacekeepers, which it has already begun to build up near the borders with Ukraine, will be in vain," …

  • Latvia detects Russian warplanes near its borders

    Two Russian Su-27 aircraft were detected near the border of Latvia, as reported on Twitter by the National Armed Forces of the country.

    The message says that the Latvian planes while on a patrol duty above the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea noticed two Su-27 fighters from Russian Armed Forces flying near the Latvia’s sea border.

    In October, the Latvian military reported that a ship and a submarine of the Russian Navy had been seen near Latvia's borders. According to the National Armed …

  • Media: North Korea gave a letter to Russia expressing its readiness to attack the US

    RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing a source familiar with the situation, that in October, after arriving at the meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or DPRK passed a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin through the Russian Chairwoman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matviyenko. In the latter the North Korean authorities expressed Pyongyang's readiness to carry out a nuclear strike against the United States.

    "This …

  • Pentagon reports on dangerous encounter between Russian and US-led coalition aircraft in Syria

    About six weeks ago a "close call" took place between planes of the Russian Air Force and the US-led international coalition. The military was able to resolve the situation, RIA Novosti reported, citing a high-ranking US Department of State representative.

    "We had a couple close calls about six weeks ago which we were able to work through," said the senior State Department official in a statement. "We [also] had an incident in July where we shot down a Syrian plane which was violating …

  • Media: Russian serviceman killed in Syria

    Alexei Ch., a resident of Ussuriysk who served in the Primorsky Territory, died while on a business trip to Syria in early November, reports the Amur News Service.

    According to the publication, information about his death appeared on November 7; no information is known regarding the circumstances surrounding it. His friends expressed their condolences in comments to a photo of him posted on Odnoklassniki (Russian social network).

    One classmate who learned about his death had regularly spoken …

  • Putin threatens to punish persons responsible for 'failure' of meeting with Trump

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a formal meeting with Donald Trump on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Vietnam did not take place due to “protocol clashes”, and that the relevant team members would be punished, Interfax reports.

    “As for an individual meeting, firstly, it was related to Mr Trump’s work schedule, and my schedule, and certain protocol formalities, which our team was regrettably unable to handle. Well, they will be punished for this,” Putin said.

    “Nothing serious …

  • Russian Air Force received latest Mi-28UB helicopters

    The Russian Aerospace Forces have added the first consignment of the latest Mi-28UB helicopters to their armament, TASS reports with reference to the Defense Ministry.

    The addition of the helicopters to the forces was approved on Wednesday November 8 at a factory in Rostov-on-Don. “During the reception, representatives of the engineering and aviation services and flight personnel made control checks on the operation of the aviation equipment and various regimes on the ground and in the air,” …

  • Tahrir al-Sham claims that its suicide bomber hit Russian military convoy in Syria

    Tahrir al-Sham stated that a suicide bomber affiliated with the group drove a car full of explosives into a Russian military convoy near Khmeimin airbase.

    Several images of the explosion have been posted on Twitter showing Russian military vehicles travelling on the Bustan al-Basha road near Khmeimin Air Base and the subsequent blast.

    Later, Al-Masdar News reported that Syrian military officials denied the information.

    According to them, the images of the explosion were fabricated and taken …

  • Russian embassy accuses US of 'double standards' with RT

    In a statement on the Facebook, the Russian embassy accused the US of “double standards” due to Washington’s demand that the Russian TV channel RT register as a foreign agent.

    “Our signals have been ignored. The RT affiliates in the US have still been given an ultimatum to register as foreign agents by November 13… The RT team’s journalistic work in the US has already been disrupted” the diplomats’ statement reads. In their opinion, the American authorities have “set a dangerous precedent”. …

  • Poroshenko speaks out against the severance of diplomatic ties with Russia

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has spoken out against the severance of diplomatic ties with Russia.

    Ivan Vinnyk, an MP from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc (PPB), announced this on Wednesday evening during a broadcast of television channel Pryamoy, which aired after a PPB faction meeting attended by Poroshenko.

    "The President does not support the idea of ​​severing diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation. The idea that I proposed to the Committee remains on the Committee's …