Contents tagged with Russia

  • Crimean authorities confiscated Russian passports from 500 local residents

    A special commission in the annexed Crimea is studying the legality of issuing Russian passports to the peninsula’s residents in 2014, a journalist from Sevastopol, Andrei Vasiliev, stated to Krym.Realii.

    According to him, the authorities of the Crimea have been monitoring and noting a variety of violations of Russian legislation.

    "Judicial contradiction began in 2014, when documents were issued to all citizens of Ukraine who had registered in the Crimea and Sevastopol. But due to the unclear …

  • Russia wants to declare Radio Liberty and Voice of America as ​foreign agents

    Russian legislators are drafting a bill that would force some Western publications to register with the Russian Federation as foreign agents, as reported by Deutsche Welle, citing Andrey Isayev, the First Deputy Chairman of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

    American publications such as CNN, Radio Liberty, and Voice of America, as well as the German newspaper Deutsche Welle, would fall under the prospective law.

    The bill was created in response to a new US Department of Justice …

  • Media: WADA will not restore authorization of Russian anti-doping agency

    A German ARD correspondent, Hajo Seppelt, states that according to his sources, on November 16th in Seoul, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will again state that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) does not meet WADA standards and will not be reinstated.

    According to the journalist, WADA did not receive confirmation of the implementation of two sections of the plan - Russia did not recognize the conclusions of Professor Richard McLaren about the existence of a system supporting doping …

  • Mogherini: EU supported the funding for the department to counter fake news

    Foreign ministers of the European Union member states at a meeting of the European Council supported strengthening and financing the European External Action Service’s “EU versus Disinformation” Department on countering fake news, said Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Commission, following the meeting.

    “I asked to beef up human resources and to increase financing for the three groups focused on strategic …

  • Dagestan announces return of military police battalion from Syria

    A battalion of military police from the Buynaksk Motor Rifle Brigade, previously stationed in Syria, will soon return to the Dagestan village of Botlikh, as announced by acting head of the Dagestan Republic Vladimir Vasilyev during a meeting in Makhachkala, RIA Dagestan reports.

    He urged the local authorities to ensure that all the necessary conditions are created for the arriving soldiers. Vasilyev did not mention a specific date when the battalion would arrive from Syria, but he did say that …

  • Spain says it has evidence of Russian interference in the Catalan referendum

    The authorities of Spain have reported intervention by groups from Russia during the referendum on Catalan independence in order to destabilize the Spanish state. Deutsche Welle reports that the country’s Defense and Foreign Affairs Ministers made a statement on this topic on Monday, November 13 in Brussels.

    They stressed that Spain has evidence that public and private groups in Russia and Venezuela, used Twitter, Facebook and other social networks and websites as part of a large-scale …

  • Media: Putin has decided to participate in presidential elections

    Vladimir Putin has “made up his mind” to participate in the new presidential elections, RBC news agency reported with reference to a federal official.

    Discussion is underway as to when and how he will announce this, sources close to the Kremlin told the news outlet.

    The intention to run for presidency can be announced before the Federation Council designates the presidential campaign, or afterwards. The Federation Council is scheduled to make the decision regarding the campaign between …

  • Number of bankruptcies in Russia have reached a record level

    The number of bankruptcies in Russia in the third quarter increased by 3% compared to the second quarter. The country registered 3,227 bankruptcies, higher than July-September 2016. These increases were reported by the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting.

    The report notes that two factors could have led to the increase in the number of bankruptcies: weak consumer demand and a slow decrease in the key rate. The Russian Federal State Statistic Service or Rosstat …

  • Net outflow of capital from Russia tripled in period from January to October

    Based on the review of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, net capital outflow in Russia from January through October 2017 increased almost 2.8 times in the annual comparison, according to preliminary estimates, reaching $23.8 billion compared to $8.6 billion in the same period last year.

    "Net capital exports by the private sector, according to preliminary estimates of the Bank of Russia, totaled USD 23.8 billion (USD 8.6 billion in January – October  2016)," the regulator’s review …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria condemns visit by Austrian politicians to the Crimea

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria Olexander Scherba stated that the Austrian politicians who visited the ‘Friends of Crimea’ Forum, which was organized by Russian authorities, violated the neutrality of Austria and the decisions of the European Union, reported Krym.Realii.

    "While Renat Paralamov spoke about the untold suffering that he had to go through, Linz Deputy Mayor Detlef Wimmer and newly-elected Member of Parliament Hans-Jörg Jenewein laid out their belongings in the luxury rooms of the …