Contents tagged with Russia

  • Kremlin: deployment of US missile defense in Japan will negatively impact relations between Russia and Japan

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the deployment of Aegis Ashore ground-based anti-ballistic missile defense systems in Japan would negatively affect relations between Moscow and Tokyo, TASS reports.

    According to Zakharova, this decision by Tokyo causes "deep regret and major concerns."

    "We see this move by Japan as running counter to efforts to ensure peace and stability in the region," she went on. "Such actions by Tokyo are directly at variance with the …

  • Naftogaz: Russia's Gazprom will pay Ukraine 3 times more 'than it can receive for the sale of its gas'

    Gazprom will pay Ukraine 2-3 times more "than it can receive for the sale of its gas," to transport it through Ukraine, according to a Facebook post made by the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, UNIAN reports.

    Vitrenko reported that the price of gas for Ukraine will be calculated according to the German market. "For those who like to count who and how much will be paid, Gazprom pays us 2-3 times more for transit than it will be able to receive for selling its gas," he …

  • Turkey will pay Russia $2.5 billion for four S-400 systems

    Russia will sell Turkey four anti-aircraft S-400 defense systems for $2.5 billion, as announced by Sergey Chemezov, the General Director of the state corporation Rostec, in an interview with Kommersant.

    "This is the first country in NATO to acquire our newest air defense system S-400," Chemezov said.

    He also said that Turkey will pay 45% of the total amount of the contract as an advance, while 55% will be with Russian credit funds.

    "We plan to begin the first deliveries in March 2020. The …

  • Russia blames ‘mix-up of space launch sites’ for the recent failure during its Soyuz rocket launch

    The Soyuz-2.1b rocket that fell in the Atlantic Ocean soon after launch, drowning all 19 satellites, was, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, “adjusted for Baikonur.” That is, the data fed into the launch system was based on the assumption that the Soyuz-2.1b would be launched from the Baikonur space launch site, which is in neighboring Kazakhstan, while in fact the rocket was launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region.

    “The launch was adjusted for …

  • Russian Finance Minister promised to hide transactions aimed at moving capital back to Russia

    If, next year, the Russian Ministry of Finance issues Eurobonds for businessmen who are interested in moving their capital back to Russia, the information about these investors, their names and amounts, will be protected from the Western financial system by the Russian banking system and the Central Depository, Russian Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov told journalists.

    “If our businessmen want to avoid revealing the movement of their capital, they can act through Russian banks. If they open …

  • Russia conducts test launch of Topol intercontinental ballistic missile

    The Strategic Missile Forces tested advanced combat equipment installed on the intercontinental ballistic missile, RS-12M Topol, the Russian Defense Ministry indicated as reported by TASS.

    "On December 26, 2017, a test launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile, RS-12M Topol, was executed by the missile combat crew of the Strategic Missile Forces from the state central testing site, Kapustin Yar, in the Astrakhan region. The purpose of the launch was a test of the prospective combat …

  • Lavrov and Tillerson conduct telephone conversation to discuss Ukraine

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson discussed the situation in the Donbas during a recent telephone conversation. According to the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the telephone conversation was initiated by the Americans.

    During the conversation, the representatives of the Russian Federation and the US touched upon the Minsk agreements.

    "The importance of further engagement of the bilateral channel of consultations was confirmed, in …

  • Dodon: Moldova cannot develop its economy without close cooperation with Russia

    Moldovan president Igor Dodon stated that his country's economy would not develop without close cooperation with the Russian Federation.

    "Moldova and Russia are closely connected with each other historically, economically and politically. The Moldovan economy cannot develop without all-round cooperation with the Russian Federation," Dodon wrote on his Facebook page after a meeting with the Head of Sberbank, Herman Gref in Moscow.

    The President clarified that during the meeting he had …

  • Russia vows to return to PACE

    The Chairperson of the Russian Federation Council, Valentina Matviyenko, promised journalists on Monday that Russia, without any doubt, will return to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

    “We will return, we need to. But who needs this more is another question, and not an easy one. The Council of Europe needs this no less, if not more than Russia. The dialogue continues as the Council of Europe understands clearly that we will not waiver,” TASS reported quoting …

  • Moldovan President Dodon intends to begin resolving problems with Russia after the New Year

    Moldovan leader Igor Dodon announced in an interview with Izvestia that there are two scenarios for the development of Moldova's relations with Russia.

    "There are two scenarios for how to return to normal bilateral relations. The first scenario, and I very much hope that it will be possible to implement it, [would be] right after the New Year holidays ... We will try and do our best to resolve the problems right after the New Year. I spoke with the Prime Minister and Speaker of the Parliament …