Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ex-President of Poland Lech Walesa: Russia is losing the battle for Ukraine

    Russia uses a development model from a century ago, which is not effective now and which will inevitably lead it to lose the battle for Ukraine, former President of Poland Lech Walesa told 112 Ukraine TV channel

    “Today, the world, Europe is being shaped to remove barriers and to level up opportunities and increase the level of development. But Russia, conversely, moves backward. Therefore, it will lose and it is already losing its battle for Ukraine. And it would lose more quickly if Ukraine …

  • Russia expresses concerns over deployment of missile defense systems in Japan

    Russia will take Japan’s deployment of ground-based anti-missile defense systems (ABM) into account in its military planning, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov in a statement published on the Foreign Ministry's website.

    "The systems deployed on Japanese territory are technically and functionally identical to the American ones; precisely, those capable of launching both interceptor missiles and assault cruise missiles," Ryabkov said.

    The Deputy Minister noted that Moscow is …

  • The US will deliver missiles to two of Russia’s neighboring countries

    The US Air Force signed a contract with the Raytheon Missile Company for the production of AMRAAM missiles. The weapons will be delivered to ten countries around the world, including Poland and Japan, according to the Pentagon website.

    The advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles will be produced in Arizona. In addition to missiles, Raytheon will also manufacture spare parts and telemetric equipment. The contract for $634.2 million must be completed by January 31, 2020.

    According to the US …

  • Putin promises Assad that Russia will continue to support Syria

    Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a New Year's greeting to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, in which he expressed the hope that the radical changes in the gradual reconstruction of the country caused by the armed conflict would continue in Syria in the coming year, the Kremlin's press-service reports.

    Putin noted that the victory over the terrorists and the prompt normalization of the situation in Syria served the interests of peace and security throughout the Middle East. In addition, he …

  • Russia denies US senator entry into the country

    The Russian Embassy to the US has published a statement saying that Russia has refused to issue a visa to US Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and that the politician had been put on a "blacklist" created in response to anti-Russian sanctions.

    "The [Russian] Embassy received a visa application for a Congressional delegation consisting of senators and their staff. Visas were issued to all members of the delegation, with the exception of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who is on a Russian ‘blacklist’ created in …

  • Hrytsak: there are Russian agents among SBU employees

    People who cooperate with Russian special services are working in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), including those who are at high positions, the head of the SBU Vasyl Hrytsak stated it in an interview to Interfax-Ukraine. Employees of the department have detained "counterintelligence agents" themselves, including colonels and lieutenant colonels on suspicion of working for Russian special services.

    He explained that before the change of power in 2014 "favorable conditions existed for …

  • More than 10 Russian military held in Ukrainian prisons

    In Ukrainian prisons, there are more than 10 regular Russian military who took direct part in the military conflict in the Donbas, as stated on the NewsOne TV channel by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Valeriya Lutkovska.

    "There are 320 persons [citizens of the Russian Federation]. They are convicted of various crimes. These are not only those related to the conflict in the Donbas, but there are other issues that may arise among citizens of the Russian Federation in …

  • Russia and Turkey sign loan agreement for delivery of S-400 missile systems

    Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement on payment terms for the S-400 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, reported Hurriyet, citing the head of the Turkish Defense Ministry, Nurettin Canikli.

    The publication did not disclose the details of the signed agreement. However, the head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, said earlier that Ankara would pay 45% of the transaction amount as an advance, while the other 55% would be allocated by Russia as a loan. The total value of the deal is $2.5 billion. …

  • Russia sentences 'Magnitsky Act' advocate Browder to 9 years in prison in absentia

    William Browder, head of British investment fund Hermitage Capital, has been sentenced to nine years in prison in absentia by Russia for deliberate bankruptcy, reported Interfax, citing the decision of the Tver Moskovdsky District court.

    The Court decided to charge Browder and his partner Ivan Cherkasov, who is also a defendant in the case, for more than 4 billion rubles ($70 million USD) in damages to the aggrieved parties.

    Browder's defense indicated that Browder intends to appeal the …

  • Crimean authorities: Government owes millions in wages to the residents of the peninsula

    As of December 1st, according to the Krymstat (the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea) the wage arrears in 12 Crimean enterprises amounted to 26.7 million rubles ($451,880 USD) for 524 employees, as announced by the Vice Prime Minister of the Russian government of the Crimea, Alla Pashkunova, at the final meeting of the Committee on the Repayment of Arrears in   Wages.

    "Compared to November 1st, arrears decreased by more than 41% - by 18.8 …