Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine conducts large-scale military exercises in the Azov Sea

    The naval Armed Forces of Ukraine, executing the decision of the National Security Council, conducted military exercises in the Azov Sea, as reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

    “Comprehensive tactical exercises of various military forces defending a section of the coast are designed to test the readiness of the Ukrainian army and other branches of the military to respond to Russian aggression in the Azov Sea,” reads the statement.

    The military exercises included the Marine …

  • Law protecting Ukrainian political prisoners comes into force in Ukraine

    On Saturday, October 13, amendments to addendum No. 3 of the law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018” came into force which improve the protection of Ukrainians held illegally in Russia and the Russia-occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, as well as on the Crimean peninsula. The text of the document was published by the parliamentary news outlet Voice of Ukraine.

    The law stipulates a change to the name of the budget program envisaged for the Ministry of Temporarily …

  • Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopter downs another Russian drone in Donbas

    On Saturday October 13, the crew of a Joint Forces Mi-24 helicopter shot down an Orlan-10 drone in the Donbas, the kind of drone used by the Russian Armed Forces, the headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) reports.

    “In the sky over Lysychansk at 8:09, radar instruments detected an airborne target, presumably identified as an Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle, which is in the armament of the Russian Armed Forces,” the report states.

    According to the JFO, the object maneuvered in a way …

  • Poroshenko inspects Ukrainian troops for readiness to repel Russian 'aggression' from sea

    As part of his working visit to the Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko visited the military training ground where he checked the Ukrainian army’s readiness to repel Russia’s possible aggression from the Azov Sea, the website of the President reports.

    Poroshenko noted that the military’s work scored "12 points" and he thanked the command and personnel that took part in the exercises. "I stress that we all do this not …

  • Kremlin: London refuses to issue visas to Russian diplomats

    Britain refuses to issue visas to Russian diplomats, said Russian Ambassador to London Alexander Yakovenko.

     “We are not able to fill these vacancies since the UK refuses to issue visas to our diplomats to arrive in the UK,” said the ambassador at the press conference when asked who will replace the diplomats expelled by London in March.

    According to Yakovenko, it is necessary to restore normal communication to fill the vacancies.

     “So far, we have seen a non-constructive position from the …

  • Ukraine to establish border with Russia in the Azov and Black Seas

    On October 12, President Petro Poroshenko put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) to protect Ukraine’s interests in the Azov and Black Seas, the Kerch Strait, as well as in the south and east of Ukraine, as stated in Decree No. 320/2018.

    A great number of articles of this decree are classified. The non-confidential part of the decree speaks about, for example, the need to form a working situational group to protect Ukraine’s national …

  • OSCE shows an anti-aircraft system being transported from Russia to Donbas

    Observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine discovered a convoy of trucks coming from Russia to the Donbas, one of which was carrying an anti-aircraft system, as stated on the OSCE SMM page on Facebook.

    “In the area near the Donetsk region not controlled by the government [of Ukraine] close to the Russian border an SMM long-range unmanned aerial vehicle again discovered a convoy of trucks that drove along a dirt road in the middle of the night, where there are no border …

  • Ukrainian Security Service claims to have thwarted new malware attack planned by Russia

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that a group of hackers controlled by the Russian special services attempted to attack Ukraine with new malware, which is an updated version of the Industoyer backdoor Trojan.

    The SBU website says that the malware allows the hackers to remotely administer the operating system processes, copy files, monitor user activity and intercept passwords.

    Thanks to the cooperation with a well-known antivirus company, Ukraine was able to establish cyber- …

  • Russia accuses US representative Volker of undermining Minsk agreements

    The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker is working on the “destruction” of the Minsk Agreements, stated the Russian Foreign Ministry after the U.S. diplomat representative criticized Russia’s proposal for the UN peacekeeping mission.

    “Speaking in support of the Minsk agreements, Volker is actually working to destroy them. This is precisely the goal of his concept for the full occupation of the DPR and LPR territories by the so-called “ …

  • Kremlin: Russia will no longer participate in PACE

    Russia chose to stop participating in the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council (PACE) because the Council postponed consideration of the resolution on the amendment of PACE regulations, said Vice Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Tolstoy, Izvestia reports.

    “Why should we participate in this "blatant circus" with rubber gloves and listen to this slander about us?” asked the Russian official in outrage. Tolstoy said that the governing bodies of the European …