Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • UN: 218 children have died in Donbas since the beginning of the armed conflict

    Fiona Frazer, the head of the UN Monitoring Mission for Human Rights, said in an interview with that since the beginning of the armed conflict on both sides of the contact line, 138 children (91 boys and 47 girls) have died as well as 80 children in the downed MH17 plane, a total of 218 dead children.

    She said that "In 2017, we recorded 7 deaths, 1 due to shelling and 6 as a result of careless handling of explosive materials. 95 out of 138 child deaths related to the conflict were …

  • Ukrainian Military Command: Separatists are strengthening their combat positions in the Donbas

    The Press Center of the Ukrainian Military command in the Donbass reports via Facebook that the Ukrainian side of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire in the Donbas (JCCC) has discovered that separatists are using the ceasefire to secretly concentrate military equipment and armament within the temporarily uncontrolled territory of Ukraine.

    Observers from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in the vicinity of the settlement of Buhaivka in the Luhansk region …

  • Poroshenko discusses war in Donbas with US Vice President

    President Petro Poroshenko had a telephone conversation with U.S. Vice President Michael Pence.

    He brought the U.S. Vice President up to date on the current situation in the Donbas and the continued aggressive actions of Russia-controlled militants who continue to violate the complete ceasefire announced yesterday, the website of the head of state said. In connection with this, Poroshenko stressed the importance of continued pressure on Russia to ensure proper implementation of the security …

  • Ukrainian military captured Russian citizen fighting for separatists in the Donbas

    In the Donbas, soldiers of Ukraine’s 57th Motorized Brigade captured a private soldier who held a Russian Federation citizen’s passport and a temporary identification card provided on February 5 by the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, as  reported by the press service of the Brigade this their Facebook page.

    “The soldiers of the 57th brigade captured a militant of an illegal armed group who is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Thus, the personnel of the brigade once again confirmed …

  • Ukrainian military detects Serbian snipers near Bakhmut highway in the Donbas

    A group of Serbian snipers have been noticed around the 31st checkpoint on the Bakhmut highway, according to information received by the Ukrainian volunteer organization “Come Back Alive" from Ukrainian intelligence officers.

    "They arrived a couple of weeks ago. There is information that these are Serbs for sure. In December last year, this group operated in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions," one of intelligence officers said.

    These are allegedly the same Serbian mercenaries responsible for …

  • OSCE: Ukrainian Armed Forces and pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas are coming closer to each other

    Opposing sides continue to move towards each other in the Donbas, stated Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine Alexander Hug  on Monday, February 19, at a press briefing in Donetsk.

    "The fact is that the sides continue to dig trenches. The fact is, that the sides move closer to one another. The fact is, that the sides keep weapons that they should have long withdrawn in areas where they should not be. And the fact is that that both sides …

  • Ukrainian Military Command: one Russian soldier killed, another wounded in mine explosion at Svitlodarsk salient

    On Sunday, February 18, at the Svitlodarsk salient, two Russian soldiers from the so-called 7th separate motorized rifle brigade (the LPR army) were involved in a mine explosion, reported the Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbas.

    “Both fighters were citizens of the Russian Federation. One of them – Vladimir Vladimirovich Lyubinov, born in 1988, and a resident of the Krasnodar Krai – was killed. The other – Sergey Valeryevich Mikhailov, born in 1972, and a resident of Astrakhan ( …

  • Russian soldier Ageyev detained in Ukraine asks for sentence change according to Donbas reintegration law

    Russian soldier Viktor Ageyev’s attorney will motion for reclassification of the case and an lightening of the sentence for his client, which is apparently made possible by the Donbas De-occupation Law, recently adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. A statement to this effect was made by Ageyev’s attorney Viktor Chevguz, Ukrinform reports.

    “I filed an appeal at the Appeals Court of the Luhansk province. I am requesting a change in the classification of the article according to which he is …

  • Polish Prime Minister calls Russia greatest threat to his country

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki considers Russia to be the greatest threat to his country at present, especially within the context of Russian aggression in the area of eastern Ukraine adjacent to the aggressor state.

    "Thus, I assess [that there is] a threat from Russia. I think that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is very dangerous," The Polish Prime Minister told Polskie Radio.

    Morawiecki also commented on the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which is planned to link …

  • Volker believes that war in the Donbas could be stopped within 12 months

    In an interview with BBC, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker believes that fighting in the east of Ukraine could cease within a year.

    "We want to see peace and an end to hostilities. We want to see all citizens of Ukraine in peace and security. This could become the basis for beginning full implementation of the Minsk agreements. And all this could be achieved in 12 months," Volker said.

    He also noted that the level of violence in eastern Ukraine increased significantly in 2017. …