Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Estonian President: In Ukraine there is a war, not a frozen conflict

    The Press Service of Office of the President of Estonia has reported that Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid called for consideration of the conflict in eastern Ukraine as a war. Kaljulaid, who visited the combat zone in the Donbas last week, said this on June 1st at a dinner for participants of the 12th annual Lennart Meri Conference.

    "In Ukraine, during the last week alone, four people, including a 15-year-old girl, have been killed in shellings, and another 15 people have been wounded. …

  • Amid rising tensions in Donbas DPR deploys Somali battalion to Horlivka

    Against the backdrop of the escalating tension in the Donbas, numerous reports have been made detailing the redeployment of the Somali battalion to the Horlivka, which is held by pro-Russian militants. This has occurred amid attacks against Zaytseve (near Horlivka), which have lasted three days, the TSN program reports.

    Last weekend, two residential buildings were destroyed in Zaytseve. On Monday afternoon, the settlement can under heavy artillery shelling. Fortunately, no one was injured by …

  • Ukrainian intelligence: Russia delivers Grad missiles and ammunition to Donbas by rail

    The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported on Saturday, May 19 that Russia supplied ammunition to the Donbas, including artillery and rockets, by rail.

    “Comprehensive supply for the occupying troops from Russia on the occupied territory [of Ukraine] continues. Ammunition for units and formations of the so-called Army Corps 1 (Donetsk) and 2 (Luhansk) is being replenished, [and] stocks of ammunition are being created at warehouses," the report said. …

  • Pro-Russian militants attack Ukrainian Armed forces in Donbas

    A subversive-reconnaissance group of pro-Russian militants attacked the positions of the Ukrainian military near the settlement of Yuzhne in the Donetsk region. As a result of the fighting, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and four servicemen were injured, reported the press service of the 24th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    The attack on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which are located on the southern outskirts of the recently liberated village, occurred on …

  • Ukrainian Armed Forces take control of another settlement on the outskirts of Horlivka

    The Ukrainian military has liberated the town of Pivdenne in the Donetsk province from militants, the headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) reported.

    According to the report, at the start of April the enemy became active in Pivdenne. Illegal armed groups visited the town twice a week in order to test the local population for loyalty to the Ukrainian government and to demonstrate their presence in the town.

    The headquarters of the 24th Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo …

  • Ukraine submits proof of Russian involvement in the shelling of Mariupol to International Court of Justice in Hague

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has handed over proof of the involvement of Russian military personnel in artillery shelling of Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast on January 24, 2015 to the International Court of Justice in The Hague,as stated at a briefing by SBU Chairman Vasyl Hrytsak.

    "As of today, these materials have been transferred to the UN International Court and sent to 184 Ukrainian institutions abroad," he said.

    In addition, evidence about the participation of the Russian army in …

  • Ukrainian military command: pro-Russian militants tried to advance towards Mariupol

    The First Deputy Commander of the United Forces, Major-General Valery Zaluzhny, stated on the Joint Forces Operation Facebook page that militants “tried to advance towards Mariupol,” the Delovaya Stolitsa news outlet reports.

    “From the beginning of the Joint Forces Operation, the situation in the area of combat actions has remained tense,” Zaluzhny stated. “The enemy was most active near Avdiivka and Mariupol.”

    He went on to say: “In the area of Avdiivka, the enemy keeps trying to take …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs: military confrontation between Ukraine and Russian will be catastrophic for both sides

    Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda online on Monday that Ukrainian armed forces would incur enormous losses in a military confrontation with Russia. According to him, if Russia decides to undertake a military operation in the Donbas, losses can be catastrophic for both sides. At the same time, Avakov recognized that neighboring countries have different balance of forces.  

    “Yes, we also have new missiles and many other things. However, it will …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine is preparing for the worst-case scenario in the Donbas

    There is a fairly high probability that Russia will strike Ukraine due to recent events in Syria, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasyl Bodnar told Ukrinform news agency.

    "Nobody can say with absolute certainty what Russia’s reactions will be to the actions of the Western allies in Syria since no one knows what is in Mr. Putin's head. But we must prepare for the worst. Last week [April 13], my Slovak colleague [Slovakian Foreign Ministry Secretary Lukáš Parízek] and I were in the …

  • Polish President Duda: Smolensk air disaster and aggression against Ukraine complicate relations with Russia

    In an interview with PAP news agency which took place on the eve of the eighth anniversary of the plane crash in which Polish President Lech Kaczyński, Polish President Andrzej Duda stated that the Smolensk plane crash and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine are the main causes of complicated Polish and Russian relations.

    "These are complicated relations. On the one hand, there is the Smolensk case, the issue of the return of debris that we should think about a lot. But it is not only the …