Contents tagged with turkey

  • Russia terminates all arms agreements with Turkey

    Russia terminated its military-technical cooperation with Turkey, as was reported to Interfax by Vladimir Kozhin, MTC (Military-Technical Cooperation) Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

    “We had contracts to supply small arms and artillery systems. Of course now, all supplies and contracts, including service contracts are halted,” he said. Kozhin added that all contracts and negotiations have been suspended “until the situation changes to the way the President of Russia wants. …

  • Turkish PM discusses situation in Crimea during visit to Kiev

    The results of meetings between the Heads of the Ukrainian authorities and the Turkish delegation in Kiev were positively assessed. This discussion was held in the office of the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    “During all negotiations, special attention was paid to solving the problems of occupied Crimea and the protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people.  Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Kiev is beneficial in solving the …

  • Ukraine to Receive $50 Million Loan from Turkey

    The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers approved a loan agreement from Turkey worth $50 million.  The approval comes ahead of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Kiev on Monday. This was announced by the Minister of Finance, Natalia Jaresko, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "The draft resolution will authorize the Minister of Finance to implement the government’s external borrowing in 2016 by attracting loans worth no more than $50 million with a maturity not later than five years and at a …

  • Turkey's FIBA Holding puts Russian Bank up for Sale

    Russia’s business daily, Kommersant, reported that the bank with the largest holdings of Turkish capital, Credit Europe Bank, is for sale in Russia. According to the representatives of the publication, the sale is being made due to the deterioration of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as the overall economic stagnation in Russia. One of the sources in the banking market reported that the search for potential buyers for Credit Europe Bank started in the middle of January.

    Financial giant  …

  • Erdoğan: Moscow and Damascus are responsible for the deaths of 400,000 Syrians

    According to the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Russia and the Syrian leadership are responsible for the deaths of 400 000 people in Syria.

    Erdoğan stated that the responsibility for these deaths lies with Moscow and Damascus.  “Russia should be held responsible for the people it killed inside the Syrian border.  Due to Moscow’s cooperation with the regime in Damascus, the death toll has reached 400 000 people,” Erdoğan said this at a conference held in Senegal on the 5th of …

  • Erdoğan: Allegations of Turkish invasion of Syria are 'ridiculous'

    According to the Al Arabiya news channel, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has referred to allegations of a Syrian invasion by Turkey as "ridiculous".  This is in response to claims made by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    “I think that the allegations made by Russia are ridiculous.  Rather, it is Russia who has invaded Syria,” Erdoğan stated.

    A representative of the Turkish government had already denied the statements made by Russia and stated that such …

  • Peskov: Putin has no plans to meet with Erdoğan

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin has no plans to visit with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, according to Interfax.

    Erdoğan told reporters last week that he wished to meet with the Russian President in order to discuss the increased tensions between the two countries, and in particular the issue of airspace violations.  Erdoğan's comments came after the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the Russian Air Force of violating its airspace over …

  • Russia suspects Turkey of preparing to invade Syria

    According to Igor Konashenkov, a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, there are “more and more” signs of covert preparations for an armed invasion of Syria by Turkey.

    Konashenkov stated that Moscow has “serious grounds” for suspicion.  “We are finding more and more signs of covert training of the Turkish Armed Forces for future military actions in Syria,” he reported.  He also noted that on a previous occasion, the Ministry of Defense presented video evidence of self-propelled …

  • Erdogan: Syrian Negotiations are Meaningless unless Russia and Syria Cease Attacks

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that inter-Syrian negotiations in Geveva are meaningless as long as the troops of the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, and Russia continue hostilities in Syria. “Russia continues to kill people in Syria. How is it then possible to hold peace negotiations?” he rhetorically asked, speaking during his visit to Peru on the 4th of February. “In a climate when people are killed, such efforts make no sense. They just ease the conditions for the tyrant,” …

  • Turkey Refuses Russia's Request to Conduct Observation Flight along Syrian Border

    Russia accused Turkey of violating the International Open Sky Treaty. A representative of the Russian Ministry of Defence, Sergei Ryzhkov, stated that Turkish servicemen refused to allow inspectors to conduct an observation flight over regions bordering Syria and the area where the airfields for NATO countries are located.

    According to Ryzhkov, the Russian observation mission was denied prior to its members’ arrival in Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish servicemen deferred to the instructions of the …