Contents tagged with turkey

  • Erdoğan: Russia is a party to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

    The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, believes that Russia is involved in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “Russia said that Turkey is a party to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Indeed, Russia is a party to the conflict,” Erdoğan stated. Reuters quotes Erdogan as saying that Russia was involved in the conflict in Georgia, in Ukraine and now the conflict in Syria as well.

    Earlier, the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, stated that Russia doesn’t find Turkey responsible for the …

  • Two Turkish warships arrived in Odessa

    Yesterday, two Turkish warships, the TCG "Salihreis" and the TCG "Bartin", arrived in Odessa as part of the program of international cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey. According to the Ukrainian Naval Forces, the Turkish ships will stay in the port of Odessa for two days."The two-day business visit of the Turkish ships is part of the developed plan of the international cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces in 2016,” the Ukrainian Naval Forces stated.The …

  • Turkey detains suspected killer of downed Russian pilot

    The suspected killer of Russian pilot Oleg Peshkov, who ejected after his plane was shot down by the Turkish Air Forces on November 24th, 2015, has been detained. According to Russian media, Alparslan Çelik allegedly killed the pilot as he descending by parachute after he ejected.

    Hürriyet Daily News reports that on Wednesday, in one of the restaurants of Izmir, fourteen people were detained including Alparslan Çelik. According to Hürriyet, the detainees are all friends who fought together …

  • Turkish Ambassador in Ukraine: Russia inspires Ankara to work closely with Kiev

    The Ambassador of Turkey to Ukraine, Yönet Tezel, stated that cooperation between Kiev and Ankara is becoming closer because of Russian aggression in Ukraine. “Russia inspires us to cooperate more. In this context, Crimea and Crimean Tatars, who are very dear to us, are important. We hope that the issue on Crimea will not disappear from the agenda on the international level,” Tezel said at the international forum, “Hybrid decisions of security in the Black Sea region”, that took place in Odessa, …

  • Peskov: Russia is not ready to initiate reconciliation with Turkey

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is not willing to initiate any type of reconciliation with Turkey, Rosbalt reported.

    Relations between Moscow and Ankara have deteriorated significantly following the downing of a Russian Su-24 frontline bomber by a Turkish F-16 fighter over the Syrian-Turkish border in November of last year.

    Ankara claims that the Su-24 violated Turkish airspace. Russia, in turn, insists that the aircraft stayed on the Syrian side of the border.

    During an …

  • Azerbaijani official: Baku pushes for reconciliation between Russia and Turkey

    The Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan on Socio-Political Affairs, Ali Hasanov, said that Baku makes every effort to push for reconciliation between Russia and Turkey, as stated on TV channel ANS as well as on on Monday, March 21st."We are trying to reconcile the relationship between Turkey and Russia, so that these countries will find their common interests and build the relationship, looking to the future, not looking back at the past," he said.Hasanov stressed that due to the …

  • Russia begins importing Syrian fruits and vegetables to partially replace sanctioned Turkish produce

    Russia began importing Syrian produce to partially replace Turkish products which have been prohibited for import by Russian authorities since January 1st, Kommersant reported.

    General Director of Adyg Yurak Zao, Aslan Panesh, said last week that nearly 3,000 tons of citrus fruits, cabbage and tomatoes arrived in Novorossiysk. According to him, it was the second batch but there had been some problems importing from Syria. Supplies from Syria are organized by the French shipping company CMA CGM. …

  • Erdoğan urges the UN Security Council to deprive Russia of its permanent member status

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan suggested that Russia be stripped of its permanent UN Security Council member status. In addition, according to the Turkish leader, the institution itself is in dire need of fundamental reform, as reported by

    "This system must be reformed. Just think about it: five permanent and ten non-permanent UN Security Council members. They will perform their duty for another two years. The UN Security Council consists of Russia, Britain, France, the USA, …

  • Russia widens agricultural sanctions against Turkey

    On Wednesday, Russia expanded agricultural sanctions against Turkey, Radio Svoboda reported. According to the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Rosselkhoznadzor, Turkish pomegranates and sweet peppers were added to the list of banned Turkish products. The agency emphasized that this includes all pomegranates and sweet peppers originating from Turkey, regardless of where the products were shipped from.

    "Rosselkhoznadzor introduces on March 17 temporary …

  • Dzhemilev: Turkey didn't impose sanctions against Russia until later in an attempt to protect Crimean Tatars

    The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev, stated in his interview with Radio Svoboda that Turkey joined the sanctions imposed against Russia for the annexation of Crimea only after the deterioration of their relationship with the Russian Federation. Prior to that, Turkey hadn’t joined the group of countries that impose sanctions against Russia.

    According to Dzhemilev, officials in Ankara believed the Turkish leader would be more powerful and better able to …